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A young teenage girl named Yamomoto Himari was found dead —head shaved, tongue cut, and a strangulation mark was found on her neck. She's a young teenage girl with blonde hair and as she is the fifth person to be found dead, authorities say that the suspect seems to be targeting girls with blonde hair. The authorities have warned the citizens to stay alert and be careful around other people. Since the suspect hasn't been identified yet, they advised people especially women with blonde hair to please don't stay too long outside.

Y/n shuddered upon reading the news. She was drinking a cup of tea/coffee for her hangover when she stumbled upon the news while she was scrolling through Twitter. A thought suddenly came into her mind.

How did she get home?

No matter how much she rack her brain for what happened last night, she can't seem to remember going hoke. She would understand if she woke up in Baji or Kazutora's house but to think she woke up in her bedroom, she found it a little strange.

She immediately scrolled through her contacts, setting the cup of coffee/tea down and pressing her friend's contact. After a few rings, she heard a click sound and the cheery greeting of her friend.

"Y/n! How're you doing? Heard you got wasted." Baji asked and Y/n was starting to feel more nervous. Yes, she was indeed really wasted to the point she couldn't recall the events from last night.

"Baji, did you bring me home?" Y/n asked making the guy cough a 'no'.

"What are you talking about? You texted me and said you were at home. You even sent a picture of yourself. You look really drunk. Why?" Y/n felt her heart dropped and she knew she was fucked. It didn't help that she fitted right into the category of the missing girls.

"Ah, shit. I don't remember ever going home. I... did you see me with anyone?" Y/n asked and she only heard silence on the other line.

"Y/n! You have to be careful. You know you're practically the perfect target." This time she heard Kazutora's voice chime in. Y/n sighed as she was reminded of what's occurring lately. She already knew that that's why she was so on edge lately.

"I know, that's why I'm checking if one of you at least took me home. I might not be able to go out to drink for a while. Bye." She ended the call, feeling the frustration building inside of her.

Y/n decided to stay at home for the day. Being an owner of the business have its own perks as it have its down sides. She's self-employed and she's her own boss but that means she also need to manage her employees. Speaking of which, she needs to ask her employees not to go home alone. The murder case was enough warning for her to take safety measures. She can't be sure after all.

Should she move out? It's quite sudden but still it's better to be safe than sorry. Y/n stood up from her seat and went to the bathroom. She grabbed the hairbrush adnd combed her hair. As she placed the comb down, she stopped as she saw something strange. There was a black hair on the comb. Her hair is blonde.

Maybe, Baji used it. Right, he could have used her comb the last time he came over which was a month ago. Y/n took the comb with her and put it in her bag before she decided to take a shower.

She grabbed her towel only to find it wet. Her heart sank for a moment. Slowly, she smelled her hair and noticed that it smelled fresh, the scent of her shampoo was still strong that it can be assumed that she took a shower not so long ago. She smelled her body and it was the same as well.

Strange. She was dancing wildly last night so she shouldn't smell fresh out of the shower.

Did she, by any chance, took a shower before she went to bed?

She shivered. For some reason she felt anxious. As if she was being watched, perhaps?

She's not being watched, right?

No, she's not. She's safe.  She tried to convince herself but failed.

Y/n got dressed and decided to find a new place after all. She swore she won't get drunk and wasted again. Of course, that was a lie and she knew it. She can only curse her recklessness. She grabbed her bag and decided to head out, sending Baji and Kazutora a text message that she's coming over their pet clinic.

As Y/n got out of her room, she missed out the hair sticking out under her bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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