What They Think Of Autumn

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They love it! Because they haven't been alive for that long to them everything is exciting and new. They love raking up a big pile of leaves just so they can jump in them after, and the cold chill in the air just adds to the fun in their opinion

Feels neutral about it, to be honest. While she misses the beautiful array of flowers often seen in summer, she must admit that something about the brisk autumn air makes her feel alive (or as alive as one can feel, being undead and all)

She enjoys it because seeing the leaves change colors always gets her creative juices flowing; because of this, some of her best clothing lines end up being fall themed. Also if you offer to model some of her clothes she'll kiss you on the spot

Doesn't like it, plain and simple. She's used to the scorching heat of the Egyptian deserts, so cold weather is not an environment she thrives in lmao. This has her constantly begging for cuddles, using her being cold as an excuse to get close to you

It isn't her favorite time of year because she usually wears shorts and tank tops, so any random cold breeze will have her teeth chattering and rubbing her hands together for warmth (she always ends up stealing one of your hoodies to keep herself warm since her entire wardrobe consists of summer themed clothes)

A/n: hope y'all enjoyed! Lemme what you guys think

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