Season 2, EP 4: Calvary Battle

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(Zuihara POV)

After everyone stopped staring at me, Midnight started to explain the rules. The rules are simple enough, get two to three teammates, take some headbands, simultaneously guarding our own, and win. As she finishes, I begin to sweat bullets. Unknowing how my future will turn out, I wait and hope the best

 Unknowing how my future will turn out, I wait and hope the best

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Midnight: Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!

As everyone began doing there own thing I was stuck

Me: *Thoughts* In my case the points don't matter. The people I need have to be two people. One I already know that wants to be on my team, and then someone else that has to be my class

Yoru: Hey. Are you done thinking or what.

Me: Huh? Oh, yeah. Come on. We need one more person from our class

Yoru: Our class? Why not the other students?

Me: Because they are the only ones that know i'm a former villain.

Yoru: Oh... That makes a lot more sense...

???: Hey number one! Let me be on your team!

Me/Yoru: Huh?

We turn around to see a girl with pink hair, styled into thick dreadlocks. Her eyes were a yellow-ish color with a cross in the center, making them look somewhat like scope lenses.

???: I'm Mei Hatsume!

Me: Uh... Well Mei Hatsume, nice meeting you but... no.

Hatsume: Please! If you do I get to show off my babies!

Yoru: "Babies"!

Hatsume shows what looks to be a jet pack and mechanical boots

Me: *Deeply Sighs* Um... sure, I guess you can join.

Hatsumi: Yes!!

Yoru: Excuse us for a minute

She pulls me away

Yoru: I thought you wanted our classmates to become our teammates

Me: Her support items can be useful.

Yoru: Are you sure you can trust her.

Me: No, but by the looks of it, it doesn't look like we have a choice seeing that almost all the teams are formed. Besides she looks like she only cares about her "babies". Now that I'm looking at it, I got a plan

Yoru: Alright, remember you wanted this.

Me: I know, I know

(3rd Person)

Present Mic: After fifteen minutes to form teams and talk strategy, twelve cavalry teams are lined up on the field!

Aizawa: There are some interesting teams out there

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