chapter 2

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"Of course, maybe by next week we'll have your pencils or color-pencil's in, so you don't have to draw with crayons" naruto squeaked with excitement.

"Thank you dear, Yay!"

They laid down and went to bed as it was now about 12:00 in the morning and the sun would start rising soon.

It was a quarter til 7 and sakura had arrived at the asylum building, she wasn't supposed to be here til 8:15 but she couldn't wait, she wanted to see sasuke. Something about him just drew her in and she knew she couldn't since he was with naruto.

Sakura walked into her new office, shizune said they would make the wall paper pink as sakura suggested, but that wouldn't be til tomorrow "sakura you're here early" shizune said as she saw the open office door.

"Yes, well I wanted an early start. So I can finish my report early and have time to just hangout with naruto and sasuke without questioning or just watching them" sakura lied right through her teeth and she didn't feel bad, not one bit.

Shizune smiled; believing her "ok then, but they aren't up yet. They wake up at 7:35, mind waiting 10 minutes?".

Sakura shook her head lightly with a smile "no, it's fine"

They walked to the play area and sakura sat down at the table where she was to talk to the two.

And 22 minutes passed until she heard naruto's enthusiastic voice calling out to her "sakura-san!!".

She smiled at naruto, but blushed at sasuke "hello you two! How has your morning been so far?".

Sasuke smirked while naruto blush and smiled "amazing, you know naruto's extremely flexible~" sasuke purred, smirk not going away.

It took a minute but sakura realized what happened and blushed madly "are you even allowed to be doing those kinds of thing here!" Sakura shouted in a whisper, though it wasn't that much of a surprise, him being bipolar will trigger some hormones, making sasuke crave for sex more than normal.

"Are we supposed to get in trouble for showing our love to each other, besides we can live as freely as we want. My brother pays for the needs of this hospital" sasuke said.

"Sasuke! You shouldn't be rude to the person watching us, hmph if you keep this up I won't kiss you til she leaves" sasuke sulked and wrapped his arms around naruto putting his head on his shoulder.

"Ok, don't say stuff like that again" sasuke whined out while taking in naruto's scent.

Sakura just stood there not really knowing what to say, naruto turned towards her and smiled "let's go outside and play!!".

He started running to the back yard with sasuke staying close, sakura blinked and walked after them.

Upon leaving the hospital to the back yard a schizophrenic patient came up to naruto and pulled his hair "it's the cry baby!".

Naruto started tearing up a bit and sakura went to stop this but was beaten to it by sasuke.

Sasuke tackled the guy and started beating him mercilessly until some nurses grabbed him barely being able to contain him. Naruto stopped crying and walked up to sasuke, hugging him "stop it, sasu" sasuke calmed down but still glared at the man being taken away.

Sakura looked at them in one did anything to sasuke, no punishment or anything. They get away with so much, and go crazy if something happened to the other.

"They need to be apart, there's no doubt...but how to I convince lady shizune?"

Sakura was convinced, that separation was the best way, though she mostly thought it so she could be near sasuke without naruto.

Sasuke turned to naruto and kissed him deeply when he pulled away he asked "are you ok , my love?".

Naruto nodded "you didn't have to hurt him like that, he looked really bad" naruto pouted tears still threatening to fall.

Sasuke sighed and lifted naruto up by his bottom, having no shame that people were watching; not that he cared anyways.

"He hurt you, you know how I get when someone hurts you" naruto just laid his head on sasuke's shoulder while sasuke went back inside, the mood immediately ruined for them.

"Well, how about some questions for the day?" Sasuke looked at naruto who nodded slightly making sakura smile.

"Great! question one, how long have you known one another?"

"Since 1st grade" naruto answered

"Ok, and how long have you guys been together?"

"Since the 5th grade" sasuke smiled at the found memories of before the world came crashing down on them.

"When did sasuke find out about your living conditions?" This made naruto frown and burry his head into sasuke's neck a little more.

"I found out in sophomore year, that's also the same year I killed them, and i'd do it again if it meant naruto was no longer being hurt" sasuke said giving naruto butterfly kisses.

Sakura clenched her note pad, cleared her throat and faked a smile "ok last question for the day, so I can add more to my report, have you guys ever broken up before and if so how long did you guys stay separate til you felt the need to get back together".

She didn't need to know this but she wanted to, she needed to know, so she can see how easily it will be to break them apart.

"We've never been apart, though naruto has dated before me. But that's only because of how similar we looked to one another, we love each other..and that won't change, we promised each other something that will never be unbroken".

Sakura clenched her note pad again and wrote the information down, this couldn't be. Even the best of couples had their fair share of on and off's.

"Well that's it for today, I will put these details into report and be on my way"

Sakura smiled before leaving, when she exited the building she clenched her teeth "how, how are they so inseparable. This can't be, I know sasuke's supposed to be with me, it's the only way he can be truly happy, i'm sorry lady shizune but they need to be separated".


When sasuke saw sakura leave he sat up and walked to their room and sat at the edge of the bed and laid naruto down giving him little butterfly kisses.

Naruto giggled and hugged sasuke "I want sex, is it ok if we do it again?" Sasuke ask bluntly.

Naruto smiled at his lover with a tint if blush "you want to fill me up?" Sasuke nodded eagerly making naruto laugh a bit.

"Please, just 1 or 2 rounds...maybe 3" naruto laughed again and cupped sasuke's cheeks softly kissing him.

Yet that soft kiss turned into a heated one, and I think you know where that went. They stopped at round 4 feeling content with one another, as they snuggled together they smiled.

Even though they were in a place full of crazy, it wasn't as bad as the outside world. And still they were happy where they were.

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