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REBEKAH MCCARTHY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER THAN TO FOLLOW HER BROTHER WHILE HE WAS HUNTING. But there was nothing she could do as she lay in a puddle of her blood, her hand stretched toward where Emmett was sprawled across the forest floor.

"Em-please..you gotta get-get up..." The girl coughed out as she tried to lift her body from the ground, only to flop back down onto it when she lost the strength in her arms.

Everything hurt. Rebekah knew that this was her fault. She should have run when Emmett ordered her to, but she just couldn't leave her brother to die alone. And so she stayed.

Now she lay there, feeling as the coldness set into her body while her vision blurred with tears and darkness.

Slowly and painfully, she dragged herself over to her older brother - curling up by his body as sniffles and soft cries left her lips.

She didn't want to die, not like this. And she especially didn't want Emmett to die.

"Em-Emmett..." Rebekah leaned her head against his shoulder which was ever so slightly rising and falling. "I love-" She cut herself off when she heard the snap of a tree branch and she froze with fear. Fear that the bear had come back to finish the job.

But suddenly golden hair appeared in her view and soft golden eyes were staring down at her and her brother. The woman was beautiful, a goddess among mankind.

Rebekah could tell the goddess was talking to her - her rose-colored lips moving, but the brunette could not hear a sound that came out of her mouth. But she didn't care as she tried to whisper one last thing.

"Please help-help us..." The girl could feel her breathing speed up, and her blood roared in her ears. She let her head fall to the ground, her hand still latched onto her older brother's arm.

"It's going to be okay." Was the last thing she heard before everything went black.

All she could remember was a burning agony shooting through her body. She felt like it would never end, she didn't know if she screamed or cried - it felt like she was screaming within, while on the outside she laid still.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇, alec volturi ✓Where stories live. Discover now