BANG! BANG! BANG! That was Brian pounding on the pots and pans to wake up me and my little brother Marty for school.
" I told you this already, you don't have to make all that noise, we have an alarm." I told him, just like I told him the other morning and the other morning.
" You tell me what to do and what not to do again, and I'll kick your ass."
Brian is an old bastard. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. All he does is sit around and drink beer all day. He was ugly too. He had to be like eighty years old. He had a droopy, wrinkly face. And he wears the same thing every single day. He smelled like stale peanuts.
" Marty, wake up so we can get the hell out of this house."
Marty is my seven-year old little brother. I have to take care of him since Brian doesn't feel like he has to. I don't think he's really related to me. For one thing, he was far too sweet and innocent to be born of this family, two he had this blonde hair, everyone else in the family is a brunette.
Marty was far too different from me and Brian, we were tough and manly, Marty was the total opposite. He got his kindness from our mother.
Mom was sweet and pretty, she was always so sensitive too, every little thing that happened to me or Marty she would get all worked up about it. We fall and scrape your knee, she throws a fit. We bump our heads on the wall, she starts to sob, even though we really aren't hurt.
" Good Morning boys. Do you want some breakfast? Because I can make you something to eat," Mom said to me and Marty. " Pancakes, french toast, eggs and bacon?"
She was literally naming every food that we ran out of weeks ago. The only breakfast food that we had was rotten bananas, cereal, and milk that was about to spoil. So I don't think I wanna eat anything in this house, and I'm pretty sure that Marty doesn't want to either.
" Uh, no Mom, we're just going to go to school, we can eat there." I said
" Okay sweetheart, well hurry up and leave so you don't be late. I love you guys, have a great day okay?"
" Okay, mom, see you later." Marty said. Mom always made it so weird when we left the house, like she was never going to see us again. She always wants hugs and kisses, she knows I'm too old for that but she is still so sensitive.
Every morning I have to walk Marty to school because Brian won't let me drive his cheap ass truck. Like it isn't already a wrecked piece of shit. I'll think of a reason for him to let me drive it anyways.
I forgot to mention that Brian isn't our father, he's my moms boyfriend. Our father died a few years ago from cancer. He was a nice guy, and a hell of a good dad. We had our shit together before he died. We had a decent house, it was clean and had more room than this dump. Me and Marty didn't have to share a room. When he died, we got poor, mom met Brian, and we moved into this dump.
Brian's house is a small shit house, with empty beer cans everywhere, dirty clothes, and dirty dishes he leaves me and my mom to clean up after him. He's a lazy little snob. I want to move out, get a house for me, my mom and Marty. We're going to leave that scumbag here by himself.
I walked Marty off at school and entered the second place I hate to be. High school, as you may know already, I'm an introvert. I have absolutely no friends whatsoever, not even one. I hate to be bothered by anyone, most people don't talk to me because they can tell by my demeanor that I don't want to be talked to. Today was going to be a bad because I got bothered by a random girl.
" Um excuse me, i don't mean to bother you but-" A random girl said to me until i interrupted her.
" Well guess what, you're bothering me, so leave me alone."
" Well I just-"
" I don't care what your here for okay, I don't want to sign any papers, i dont wanna join a fucking club or anything like that so go torture someone else with this school spirit shit."
She stood silent for a little bit but then she said " I just wanted to tell you that you dropped your earbuds." Great, now I feel bad. " next time, listen to what someone has to say before you go beast mode on someone, asshole"
My jaw dropped.
why i love her
RomantikLucas has never been inlove with anyone before. His life is turning upside down with his mothers abusive boyfriend Brian. He meets a girl named Lori and finds comfort in her.