𝐢𝐢. ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴘᴏʀᴛʀᴀɪᴛ

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^ outfit above ^

^ outfit above ^

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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭❩

❝ALICE, DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO?❞ Rosalie grumbled from her spot on the floor by the youngest Cullen's bed

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ALICE, DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO?❞ Rosalie grumbled from her spot on the floor by the youngest Cullen's bed. Rebekah watched with a raised brow as Alice shifted through the younger girl's clothes. The pixie-like vampire had all but burst into her room in the early hours of the morning, barking orders at her to get ready.

She wanted to have a girl's day.

Rebekah knew that Alice wanted to distract herself from what had happened and she couldn't blame her for that. Bella had been a friend of the seer and she would miss her, not to mention Edward was god knows where and the two always had some sort of strange bond.

"I think a girl's day would be fun and I bet Esme would love to join too." Rebekah smiled when Alice seemed to brighten at the idea and she all but danced out of the room to go find Esme.

The youngest brunette sighed softly as she stood up from her spot on the bed and looked through the clothes that Alice had laid out. She settled for a pair of blue jeans with a white tank top that a nice plaid flannel would go over. It was a simple outfit, but with a scarf and a pair of nice wedged boots - it would be cute.

"We should have never left Forks." Rosalie grumbled out from her spot on the floor and Rebekah sent her a look.

They had had this argument before and Rebekah understood where her sister-in-law was coming from. She didn't want to leave either, but the family had come to a somewhat agreement and when Carlisle had put his foot down - the matter had been settled.

"I know Rose. But we can't change what happened. So why not make the most of it and go shopping with Alice and Esme? And then when we get back we can watch The Originals and drool over Elijah Mikaelson." The brunette held her hand out towards the blonde, wiggling her fingers with a smirk on her lips.

Rosalie looked up at the younger girl's hand and let a tired smile cover her face as she allowed her sister-in-law to pull her up off the floor of the hotel room.

Just then Alice and Esme came through the door, both of them excited to go out for the day.

"I already told the boys that they need to make themselves scarce when we come back." Alice jumped in place as Rebekah moved into the bathroom to get ready. "Now I saw that Old Navy is having a sale along with this really cute boutique that is just down the road."

Rebekah listened to the conversation outside as she got ready. She had already got her jeans and tank top on and she was busy combing her hair when her eyes fell on the necklace in the mirror of her reflection.

It was a locket that had the Cullen Crest engraved on the front of it. Her fingers came up to caress the rough surface and she looked down at it when she popped the locket open

Staring back up at her was two pictures, one old and the other new. The oldest picture was one from her human life and had meant more to her than anything else in her possession. It was one from when she and Emmett were both children, her five and Emmett eight.

Their mother had fought with them to get them to take a picture and after a few tantrums, she finally got Emmett to set down with little Rebekah in his lap. Though she didn't smile for the longest time until her older brother poked at her sides, causing the little girl to giggle uncontrollably.

The other photo was from last year's Christmas. They had managed to squeeze the whole Cullen Clan into the frame.

Carlisle and Esme sat down with warm smiles on their faces as they leaned against each other. To the upper left of the parents, Alice and Jasper had their arms wound together with a dazzling smile on the former's face, while the latter merely smirked.

Rosalie and Emmett were on the other side, with Emmett's arm hugging Rosalie to his side while the blonde had a gentle grin on her lips. The burly man was gazing down at his wife with pure adoration and Rosalie was looking up at him while her hands rested on his chest. They were so perfect for each other that it made Rebekah want to cooe.

Standing behind Carlisle and Esme was Edward, a barely there smile on his lips and lean arms crossed over his chest. It had taken Esme around five minutes to get her broodiest son to smile, but in the end it was worth it.

And at the parent's feet sat Rebekah crisscross on the floor. A radiant grin was on her lips and her gold eyes dazzled with joy. Her head was tilted to the side and her chin was propped up in the palm of her hand.

It was a beautiful photo. One that Esme had put on a large Canvas and was somewhere packed away safely in one of the boxes.

And now that happy family was slowly breaking away. Edward was gone, Alice was sad, Rosalie was tenser than usual, leaving Esme and Carlise at a loss of what to do.

So yes, Rebekah agreed that they needed a girl's day because she would be damn if she lost the only family she ever knew.

"Come on, Rebekah - chip chop, let's go!" Alice's shrill voice drew the brunette away from her thoughts and she let out a soft chuckle as she snapped the locket close and pulled the flannel over her shoulders.

Maybe things would be okay.

Maybe, just maybe.

[a/n ✍︎]

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