Class President

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It's been a few days and things seemed to be going normally for Izuku besides a few things. Firstly was All Might trying to find excusses to have him expelled but, Nezu kept him on a short leash after the incident on his first day. And second was the rumors of him and Nemuri or Midnight who everyone knows her by. He didn't care about the rumor at first but when word got out of the school the media wanted answers which caused a mass of them to form outside the school's gate.

Waiting inside his class Izuku saw his classmates struggle to get past the media except for Momo and Jiro thanks to Momo's security gaurds pushing the media away. After the two girls came into the class the small group gathered and talked with it mostly being the girls asking Izuku questions. This continued until the bell rung along with Aizawa walking into the class with his iconic tired look.

Aizawa: Listen up you brats.

Iida: Sir that's not a polite way to greet your students.

Aizawa: I don't care just shut up. As you have seen the media has gathered in front of the gate.

Denki: No kidding I barely got through them.

Mina: I know why are they even here.

Bakugo: Why else to see the next number one hero.

As Bakugo said that Izuku burst out laughing angering Bakugo. Bakugo was about to shout something at Izuku but was stopped when Aizawa wrapped his scarf around Bakugo's mouth.

Aizawa: God shut the hell up. I already got a headache cause of the media and now your making it worse.

Izuku: My bad

Aizawa: As I was saying since the media is out front you'll won't be having other classes until the media is settled with so first thing first. Pick a class president.

Denki: Pick me I wanna be president.

Mina: No me I'll be president.

Jirou: Yeah you're gonna want me.


Iida: Enough we should settle this a better way.

Sero: You say that but your hands up the most.

Iida: Well ignore that we should settle this with a vote.

Uraraka: A vote?

Momo: But wouldn't everyone just pick themselves.

Iida: Yes ,but whoever does gain more votes will be proven as the best pick for president. Wouldn't you agree Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa: I don't care just do it before I wake up.

Falling asleep class 1-A agreed to a vote with everyone puting a slip of paper into a box. After every had put in a name into the box they just waited for Aizawa to wake up.

Aizawa: Alright so President is Red Hood and Vice is Yaoyorozu.


Sero: You seriously thought we'd pick you.

Izuku: Damn well thanks for the vote.

Momo: Yes thank you for choosing us as your president and vice president.

Aizawa: Yeah yeah now head to lunch we got something to do later.

As everyone went to the cafeteria Izuku headed towards the roof where he could eat in peace. As he got to the top he was met with Momo and Jirou sitting down on a blanket.

Izuku: Why are you two here.

Jirou: Why else greenie were here for lunch.

Momo: We couldn't let you eat alone so we came here too.

Izuku: Well thanks so whatcha eating

Jirou: Well I got a bacon burger with onions rings and a soda

Momo: I've got some katsudon, rice, miso soup, curry, and tea.

Finishing listening all her food Momo was met with stares by both Jirou and Izuku. This caused her to blush in embarrassment as she knows that this is a lot of food for one person.

Momo: It's not like that I need to eat a lot for my quirk

Jirou: What you mean.

Izuku: Oh right your quirk uses your lipids when you create things.

Momo: Yes like Red said my quirk uses my lipids. But how do you know that.

Izuku: I read your files remember I know all your quirks.

Momo: Oh right.

Jirou: That's kinda scary greenie.

Izuku: Meh don't care.

Jirou: Really. Anyways what did you get.

Izuku: Oh nothing I brought some food from home.

Momo: Did Miss Midnight make that for you.

Izuku: No honestly she doesn't know how to cook.

Jirou: So you made it?

Izuku: Yeah wanna see.

Jirou: Well duh lets see how you did.

Opening his bento Izuku showed the food he made which was some curry, rice, and chicken cutlets. Looking at the girls he saw their mouth water confusing him.

Izuku: Why are you guys like that isn't lunch rush food better.

Before he could get an answer a bell rang alerting the three. They quickly stood up and looked around to see what was happening before Izuku spotted the source of the noise. The media had busted into the school.

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