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Vio yawned and ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair. He hadn't slept in weeks, he couldn't sleep this was to important. His vision was starting to blur as he stared at the shattered black mirror. A frustrated growl left his throat as he rubbed his eyes. He needed to get this done now; Red, Blue and Green had become suspicious of his disappearances.

They wouldn't understand why he was so desperate to get Shadow back. He picked up another glass shard and slipped it into place. The end was with in reach as he put the last shard in place. The mirror gave an ominous purple glow, his brain started to kick in. What if he accidentally just released Vaati again? No he couldn't worry about that now, he needed his beloved shadow back.

The blonde backed away from the mirror as it glowed brighter. Sure enough a hand slipped out of it. It took a while for the person to pull themselves out of the mirror, when he was out he collapsed to his knees panting.

Vio could almost cry in relief when he saw that familiar dark purple hair. He reached a hand out to help the shadow up but it was smacked away. Dark blue eyes glared up at the hero.

"Don't. Touch. Me" it was a warning.

His cold voice made the hero flinch and pull his hand away "S-shadow.....I-I'm so sorry...."

Shadow looked back at the mirror, it was still glowing ominously. If they left it open Vaati would come back but if they destroyed it he would fade away again. Regaining his strength he looked around the room for something to smash it with. What was the point of living in a world if it was just gonna be destroyed?

Vio might have been exhausted but he could still connect the dots on the situation. Especially when he saw Shadow grab a nearby chair and raise it over his head. Panic filled him and he grabbed a part of the chair trying to stop him.

"NOOO!!! YOU CAN'T!!" the blonde was practically hysterical as he tried to pull the chair out of the shadows grip but he was to tired.

"Vio the hell are you doing!? Your smarter than this, you can't let Vaati come back!" The shadow hissed.

Vio panted and his legs trembled, his grip slipped from the chair and he fell to his knees. Shadow noted how terrible the blonde looked, the bags under his eyes and he seemed paler. His hair was a mess which was unsual.

"I-i.....I can't lose you again...." Vio's voice broke and shook as he talked.

Shadow glared at the hero "oh now you can't lose me? You had no trouble when you betrayed me!"

The blonde flinched and tears stung his eyes. The memory haunted him every night. The look of betrayal on his beloved's face as he found out Vio tried to end him by smashing the mirror that kept him alive. The tears the shadow had probably cried when he realized that everything was just an elaborate plan to get close to him. Vio never expected to actually fall for Shadow.

"I'm sorry.....I'm so sorry" Vio broke down into tears and broken sobs "I should of found another way! I never should have betrayed your trust!"

Shadow watched as the once proud and stoic hero broke at his feet. His heart twisted in pain, he wanted to stay mad but he hated seeing his ex-lover like this. Shadow slowly got on his knees to be eyes level with Vio. Light blue eyes looked up at him.

"Vio.....I-I....have you been sleeping?" He knew the answer.

The blonde shook his head "I can't, this was more important....."

The purplette reached his right hand out and cupped the hero's cheek. He used his thumb to brush away the tears "Vio you know we can't leave this mirror open.....I need you to use logic."

Vio nuzzled into the warmth of the others hand "that's how I lost you the first time....I need you."

The blonde knew just the right thing to say. Shadow always wanted to feel wanted and needed "but...."

"I promise I'll figure out a way to break the mirror with out hurting you but please.....d-don't go...." Vio placed his hand over the one Shadow had on his cheek.

"Alright....I'll stay but you have to sleep first Vi...."

The hero nodded, exhaustion had hit him a long time ago "shit....the others...."

Shadow perked up at the mention of the other hero's "what about them?"

"They probably figured me out by now...they'll break the mirror....I'll lose you again" Panic started to rise in the blonde.

Shadow sighed, he hesitantly hugged the blonde and rubbed his back "if it makes you feel better I'll keep gaurd...."

Vio leaned into the shadow, he couldn't think or speak any more. The purplette chuckled, when they were together it wasn't abnormal for Shadow to find Vio passed out in random spots with a book glued to his face.

"Come on Vi, you can use my lap as a pillow."

Vio didn't complain as the rearranged themselves. Shadow rested his back against the wall next to the mirror. The blonde made himself comfortable, resting his head on the others lap. The purplette set to running his hands through the blonde's hair repeatedly. It was a common situation for them before the incident, it was one of many things the shadow missed.

"I promise....I'll never hurt you again...." it was mumbled tiredly but he could still pick it up.

"I appreciate that Vi.....I think i can start to forgive you."

Seeing how self destructive the hero was for him. It showed the shadow he did truly care about him. That what they had before might not have been fake. Vio truly loved him, enough to go against the heroic ideals he was suppised to uphold.

Shadow relaxed in his spot as he heard the other's soft and steady breath. This could be a new start for them. New promises and forgiveness for the past.

Shadow x Vio OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now