Part 7

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I confessed to my mother about getting back most of my past memories. Some of them were still blurry. But I was remembering everything eventually. I told mother I wanted to take a break from school for the day. I was still not prepared to face Jungkook or any of them.

After the school was over, both Jin and Jungkook stopped by my house. My mother told them how overwhelmed I felt as my memories came back and that I didn't want to meet anyone just then.

I had been getting calls after calls from the boys. Some of them even texted me, asking if what my mother said were true. I neither picked up the calls nor replied to them. I had decided it was better to avoid them. I didn't need any fake friends in my life. Nina was enough.

But I knew, deep inside, I was hurting. It pained me to even think about not talking to the boys anymore. All I knew for the past few months were the boys. They had been in everything I was doing. Without them, I wouldn't even be able to recover as fast as I did.

I stayed in my room the whole day and cried. I felt like I was broken into pieces and I would never be able to put them together. Every beautiful experience I had with the boys felt like a lie.

Since Taehyung kept calling me non-stop, I thought it would be better to let them know how I felt about them now.


Taehyung: Finally you've answered. What happened, Leah? Are you okay?

Leah: I'll get straight to the point, Taehyung. It's true that I've got my memories back.

*A pause*

Taehyung: So, you remember everything?

Leah: Everything.

Taehyung: Are you mad at us?

Leah: What do you think, Taehyung? Should I?

Taehyung: Listen, Leah. We're all really sorry for everything, okay?

Leah: Stop it! I don't need your apologies. I just want you to convey the message to the rest of the boys. I don't want you guys near me anymore. Our so called friendship ends here.


The next day in school, I sat with Nina avoiding Jungkook. But he came to sit behind us and started to say how sorry he was for his past actions and that he deeply regretted them now and other stuffs like that.

I said, "You have apologized and I took it. But I still don't want to talk to you anymore."

Jungkook still followed me to the cafeteria at lunch break. I was really annoyed at the way he was acting. "Could you please stop following me?" I almost shouted at his face.

"Please, Leah..."Jungkook tried to say something more when I turned to go. Then, he grabbed my hand.

I looked him dead in the eyes and said boldly, "This is the last time I'm going to tell you this, leave me alone."

Instead of letting go of my hand, Jungkook took a step toward me. That was when I slapped him, really hard on his face. As soon as I did, I regretted it. Some of the students were staring at us by then.

"Leah," Jungkook's voice trembled as he looked at me in disbelieve, "You hate me so much, don't you?"


Jimin had texted me to meet him even if it was the last time I did. I was very upset about the whole school affair. To ease my unsettling brain, I thought it would be better to talk it out.

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