No one's pov

As ink entered the colony he went straight towards his house. As he went inside his home inks father ran straight up to him "INK! THERE YOU ARE! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, IVE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!" Top hat said in a worried voice as he hugged his son. Ink hugged his father back as he apologised for worrying him. After a few minutes of talking Tophat and Ink went to their rooms

~the next day~

As soon as ink woke up he stood up and went to the bathroom to get ready. "I look like shit" ink mumbled as he looked in the mirror. The yellow butterfly turned on the tap and splashed water on his face to wake himself up. Once ink woke himself up he grabbed his brush and started to brush his floof.

141 words

Hey everyone! Sorry it toke so long to post ;-; I also apologise for making this so short.

I'm thinking that I should stop this book because I have fallen out of the fandom but I don't want disappoint all of you.

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