𝐢𝐯. ᴀ ғᴀᴛʜᴇʀ's ᴀᴅᴠɪᴄᴇ

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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞❩


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REBEKAH SIGHED AS SHE STARED DOWN AT THE BLANK PIECE OF PAPER IN FRONT OF HER. It had been three days since Rosalie and Emmett had left for their honeymoon and Rebekah seemed to understand why Emmett had been worried about leaving her.

While Rebekah and her family were close, none were as close as Emmett and her. Carlisle supposed that the vampirism made their bond stronger - which is why she was being a little mopey.

By now the Cullens had moved into a new house within the forests of Alaska, not too far away from their cousins - the Denali coven.

At the moment, only Rebekah was in the house - sitting on the floor of the living room. Everyone else was out hunting with the Denali's and Rebekah had turned down the offer, not really up for a family hunting group.

This wasn't the first time she felt like this. When Rosalie and Emmett had their first honeymoon, Rebekah had been quiet and downright sad. But, luckily Edward was there and with his ability was able to see when her mind would begin to trek down that lonely path. So with the help of him and Jasper they were able to help Rebekah through her separation anxiety.

But now, Edward was gone. And Jasper had to spend more time with Alice, who was still upset about leaving Forks - and Rebekah couldn't blame him for that.

So there she sat, alone in her sad thoughts with no ideas of sad poetry coming to mind - even though she was sure that she could write an entire damn sonet of loneliness at this point.

"We missed you today." She didn't even look up at the sound of Carlisle's voice. Instead she shrugged slightly and shut her journal with a slight sigh. "The Denali's were sad to see that you weren't hunting with us."

"I know." Rebekah mumbled. "I just didn't feel up to it."

"You need to feed, Rebekah - your eyes are dark." The older vampire argued softly as he took a seat beside his adopted daughter. "But, we can get to that when you feel better. Maybe talking about it will make you feel better?" He suggested gently and Rebekah ran a hand over her face.

"I just feel kinda useless, Carlisle. Edward is gone, I couldn't convince him to stay. Alice is sad, I couldn't cheer her up for very long. Esme is distraught that her children are upset and gone, and I can't even assure her that I am fine either. I just feel so overwhelmed." She let her head rest on Carlisle's shoulder. "I miss them, Carlisle."

Carlisle wrapped an arm around her shoulder - pulling her closer to his side. "I understand Rebekah, because it's my job to keep this family together and safe. And I have fai-failed to do that. But, that is what it means to be a family, Rebekah. It isn't always going to be good times. It's just up to us if we let the bad drag us down and leave us beaten."

"I hate when you are right." Rebekah smiled slightly and Carlisle grinned at her before he slowly stood and pulled her up with him.

"How about we go hunting? Just the two of us. Esme, Alice, and Jasper are with the Denali's and I only fed on one deer so I am still a little peckish." Carlisle said as he led them towards the sliding glass door that led to the backyard - which was surrounded by the dense forests of Alaska.

Rebekah smirked before she took off towards the brush yelling a - "Race you old man!" over her shoulder.

Rebekah was fast, not as fast as Edward, but she could easily keep up with him if need be. Carlisle was a close second and it didn't take him long to be side by side with her.

And for a moment the worries of the world seemed to fade away as father and daughter ran through the snow covered woods. It didn't take them long to feed and before long they were walking towards the Denali coven home together.

Laughter rang through the trees as the two walked along the path that led to the back porch of the house. But, it wasn't long before Rebekah hopped on Carlisle's back, allowing the blonde to carry her towards their destination.

"If you ever need to talk, just remember that I am always here to listen, Rebekah. You're my daughter and I want you to be happy."

"You are the best dad, Carlisle. I hope you know that."

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇, alec volturi ✓Where stories live. Discover now