Chapter 2 - The First Battle

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Kira finally took over when his friends showed up just behind me making me groan since I had told him to get them to safety but I guess he didn't as I knelt down to protect them while Kira engaged the green guy while the red armored unit took off after a moment of stalling which had me sighing glad that we only had one to deal with now so while Kira knocked attacked him I was on defense mostly because of my shields. I stood up in front of our friends keeping them protected until Kira was knocked back so I ran up and started fighting the green unit so Kira could get himself back up but when the green unit tried to blow up Kira's unit I pulled him away before tossing the now empty unit since I had planned to defuse the unit but my unit had heat sensors inside it so I would know when someone was inside anything. So I had used that to find out before tossing it away before pelting it with bullets so it would prematurely explode which it did making me sigh as I turned to the other gundam to see it kneeling down in front of me near a park so I knelt mine down before coming out of my unit as well sighing as I walked over to the other's to see Kira pulling out the lady who had called out to him earlier. It seemed that she had a shot hit her shoulder so we laid her down on the bench while I used my medical knowledge to treat her before stepping back so she could have some room to breath while I looked at Kira and the boys as they tried to play with the other gundam since I had told them not to play with mine unless they want to blow us all up. I then told Kira that I was going to head back to our place real quick so I can grab my pilot's suit which had him nodding as I took off back to our apartment before grabbing my thing's along with a few of Kira's things before tossing them into a bag he had before heading back to the other's stopping to grab water bottle's and snacks for everyone which they were thankful for when I got there which had me happy. I distributed them when I walked back over to everyone smiling at them only to see the women still out cold making me sigh, "So how are we going to go about this? You know I don't like the EA because of what they've done to us in the future, there the ones who bought up children like us to fight weather we wanted to or not most of us had no choice if we showed that we had the ability to pilot a mobile suit then we were placed in the cockpit and forced to fight."

Mir started crying when I talked about that since it wasn't an easy topic for me because a lot of my friends died because of it and I didn't like it I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her telling her that I was alright and I had them now and would do anything I could to protect them no matter what but I couldn't do that if they themselves were putting themselves into danger, that had her giggling. The other's seemed kinda embarrassed about it all since they had done this to stay with us but then the lady groaned before sitting up seeing that Tolle and Kuzzey were inside the gundam before getting mad and firing a gun at them which had me about to rip it out of her hands but Kira stopped me by standing in front of her making me stop before looking away tsking. He just smiled at me making me laugh as I looked at Mir seeing her shacking before pulling her behind me before she had all of us gather together before telling us she couldn't let us go because we'd witnessed a military top secret which had me laughing. "A military secret that's long since been revealed so it's no longer a secret miss, so that statement is invalid." She seemed stunned when I said that while I just looked at her with my hands in my hands in my pockets looking bored, but then she shook out of it before having us tell her our names so everyone counted off looking upset that they actually had to be doing all of this.

"Sai Argyle."

"Kuzzey Buskirk."

"Miriallia Haw."

"Tolle Koenig."

"Kira Yamato."

"Kaito Asakura."

"Murrue Ramius, Earth Alliance officer, I'm sorry to tell you that because you've seen a military top secret I can't let you go until I get in touch with the proper authorities." Everyone started to argue while I just shook my head as she started ordering us around, she had Tolle an Kuzzey go and get a truck that had an equipment pack for the gundam so I asked Murrue if I could go and check my systems since I hadn't been able to fix it correctly just yet she seemed to hesitate which had me smiling. "Don't even try Murrue its got a bio lock on it that can't be taken off unless you want all the systems to be completely erased, plus if you even tried you'd be dead." I said before turning before going to my unit to get in so I got in before starting up the systems to check them over which was easy for me since I had done it for many years. However once I had finished it we were under attack by a white CGUE which I knew belonged to a man by the name of Rau Le Crueset since he was the one who betrayed everyone in the past so I took off to fight against him since I was more adapt at fighting him than Kira would be at this moment. However a giant ship shot out just as I was about to engage Rau so he attacked them but I intervened but it was easy for me to destroy for both his arm's while Kira managed to destroy one of his legs before he took off outside the colony since Kira accidently put a hole in the side of the colony. Then I helped everyone get to the ship along with Kira before standing my unit up as a bunch of people ran over to talk to Murrue about what had happened since none of this was apparently supposed to know about what happened along with the fact that everyone but them from their unit had been wiped out. Then both Kira and I came down from our gundams which had everyone going off saying that we were to young to be pilots before we were joined our friends who kept congratulating us on what we had done out there since we had risked our lives to save everyone else that was with us. "Will someone tell me what's going on? There just kids, just learned to shave and those kids are piloting those things..." I glared at him only to get distracted by Kira making me smile at him sighing but the guys that I had just glared at froze shivering, I sighed knowing this was going to be hell for me because of the fact that I had a lot of experience with these type of people so I knew how this things went while also knowing it was going to take a lot of strength not to kill these people. I then felt someone coming so I glared at the exit for the docking bay only to see a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes make his way over to us, he was wearing a purple and white pilot suit before he started talking to Murrue since she was now in charge of everything because those that were supposed to be in charge died.

I didn't like getting promoted that way and I knew that she didn't either so I knew it was going to be hard since it's never good when someone gets promoted like this all it does is cause more problems especially in the chain of command making me worried about what's going to happen because I've seen it happen multiple times in my time. I just hoped I wouldn't have to pirate this baby just to have order in here but then the guy who just came in popped a question at us, "You two are coordinator's right?" I glared at him while the other's seemed worried, so I looked at Kira who seemed to not want to answer making me sigh. However I heard him say yes before the guy turned to me making me glare at him, "Not that it's any of your business what we are but yes I am one." that had the people who were already on the ship to point there guns at which had me glaring at them but Kira stepped in front of me making me groan while he smiled at him, "Put your guns down! Do you want to end up dead?!" They all looked at her confused before looking back at us to see my eyes glowing which happens when I use the neural link between me and Stardust, which had all of them freezing while lowering there weapons while my eyes went back to normal making them all sigh while hit my shoulder against Kira's back making him chuckle, "Especially since I'm a first generation coordinator, while Kaito is..." I rolled my eyes before looking at the people in front of me, "I'm a third generation coordinator and don't ask how because I will refuse to answer some things are better left unknown." I said crossing my arms which had everyone surprised since I had ice cold eyes as well which I've never done around my new friends. "Sorry didn't mean to cause a scene I saw the pilots try to pilot them but they had to really push themselves to even get the thing to move." I sighed looking up at my unit knowing that kids younger than me were all piloting them in the future mostly because it was the orphans who had been sold which didn't sit well with me at all which had me working to try and get them freed but not being able to do so at that time, but I refused to allow people to do that know but told them not to touch my unit unless they wanted it to blow everything up. Then we were all shown to rooms after gathering the rest of the equipment that was needed for the Strike since all mine was fashioned into my gundam and I could repair them myself should anything happen but while the other's talked I saw Kira sleeping so I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep knowing it would be hard for me since I've been throw a lot of wars so it was hard for me to get any sleep when I know its going on around me.

___________________________ Murrue's P.O.V. ____________________________

With the evacuation order going on it was now to late to toss those kids into evac pods plus they were witness's to a highly military operation which Natarle agreed that we needed to keep the kids with us until the proper channels could be followed however Mu seemed to want to let them go since it was longer a secret. "So your planning to have them join us in our escape? Once outside we'll be involved in some serious fighting." That seemed to stump Natarle, I also knew it was wrong but we had no choice but to rely on the other two units we know had, "I'm thinking that we'll have to rely on the power of the Strike and the other unit." Mu seemed shocked when I said that but what choice did we have with his unit out of service? "Your sending them into battle again?" I knew it was wrong to ask them this but it was our only option to survive this battle and make it out to our enemies but the problem was getting Kaito to agree to this without forcing him into it since I could already tell that would put us against him forcing his own hand. "What do you think our chances are of escaping without help from the kids?" None of us wanted to have to send out kids but we had no other option in this because no one could pilot them especially Kaito's mostly because his has a bio-lock on it and he was really guarded about it so no one even dared to go near it, "Do you think those kids are going to be ok with it?" Mu asked which had me sighing glad that I wasn't the only one trying to keep the kids out of this mostly because it was an adults fight. "Why don't you pilot this time Lieutenant La Flaga?" One look at him had me knowing that he's seen what Kira did to the system knowing that there was no way he'd be able to even try to pilot it because it was to advanced for a normal person to do it, and because Kira was a coordinator that meant only he could pilot it, or Kaito but I had a feeling he refused to pilot any other gundam than the one he has.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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