Chapter 1

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~ authors note ~

Hia guys!

So this is the sequel to 'my lips your poison' so it would probably be a good idea to read that one first if you want this to make sense!

Thanks for reading!

- F

Alex POV

New York was not what I had expected. It wasn't worse, or better, just different. I had never been in a place where everything and everyone was in their place and knew where they needed to be.

It was a beautiful and fascinating place to look at, the skyline and the parks were amazing. And there were never any shortage of people around, the street were always full and noisy. But despite that I was more lonely than I had ever been.

The pain I got in my chest when I though of home. Or more to the point Him. Had lessened and I barely noticed anymore, it had been years since I had seen Ben and slowly I was beginning to adapt to being alone.

I knew he had forgotten me. It was almost cruel how ironic it was that my mother was right about him. My stomach curled in knots as I remembered the last time I heard his voice. A phone call, the first In weeks from him, when he had torn out my heart.

Ben's POV

"Alex, I need to tell you something important." I felt sick at the memory of my voice. "I need you to stop calling me, okay? You must be stupid if you think I'd still be dating you when I probably won't be seeing you ever again! I just thought you should know Ive got with someone else, so you should move on to. I have."

"I guess... I guess I should have expected you to- I mean, you should be happy. I guess I knew all along I wasn't going to be able to do that." Her voice had sounded like she was choking. "Just let me ask one thing- did you ever like me? Or was it just..."

All I wanted to do was to interrupt, to tell her she was wrong. That she was the only thing in the world that made me happy but I couldn't, I owed her that much.

"You were a sympathy vote, nothing more. I felt sorry for you, okay? You were a pathetic freak and I thought I could help you." The acidic words burned on the way out, 'freak' was one of the names that had upset Ally the most.

"I'm sorry, I can't- I won't call you again Ben."

Then there had been a few seconds of silence between the moment the conversation ended and Alex hanging up in which I had heard the most heart wrenching sob that felt like a stab in the gut.

It hurt more than anything but it had been worth it to know Alex was free from me. She would be upset for a while but she would move on, I knew she would. Now she had nothing tying her to England so she would be able to live a proper life in New York, I kept telling myself it was worth it.

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