Chapter 7

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~ Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while!! Regular updates from now on! ~


I lay down on the bed in Alex's spare room and tried not to think to much about the whole situation. I couldn't stay here much longer with her hating me, it was killing me.

"Ben, can I come in?" A small voice drifted through the door, it was Alex.

"Yeah, sure." I sat up and tried to look interested in my phone.

"I need to talk to you." She said, standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"Sit down." I shuffled across to let her sit down.

"I owe you an apology." She mumbled, sitting next to me. "You've explained and you've tried to make it up to me and I've just been a total bitch about. I'm sorry."

She looks up at me and bites her lip a little. I can't look for to long though, all I want is to lean in and kiss her but I know she doesn't want that. I look away quickly.

"You have nothing to apologise for Alex." I sigh eventually. "But does this mean you forgive me?"

"Yeah. I think it does."

I grin at her widely and pull her into a hug. She laughs and squeezes me back tightly. I knew I'd missed her but I wasn't sure how much until this moment.

"I missed you Al."

"I missed you to Ben."

Alex POV

"Two rounds of vodka shots." Danny was ordering yet more drinks. Spending more money he couldn't afford to spend. It had been a couple weeks since I forgave Ben and we were all at a bar... Again.

Danny looked sick. Huge bags under his eyes like he hadn't been sleeping properly and his clothes looked baggier than they used to. I was worried about him more than he probably needed, Ben seemed to think he was just a little stressed out with all the shows they'd been playing but I wasn't so sure.

"Hey." I looked up quickly to see Danny leaning over to talk to a girl sitting near by. She was blond, with huge boobs and a skimpy dress. I stood up angrily and stormed over to him, Jess deserved better than this.

"Danny, get the fuck out now!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him out behind me.

"What the fuck was that?" He yelled, shoving me off him angrily. I fell back and landed on the floor. "Oh my god, shit, I'm really sorry."

"What's wrong with you Dan? You're my best friend but you've been acting like a total fucking idiot lately." I stand up, ignoring his hand. "Jess loves you and I know you love her. She's not here right now but that doesn't change anything."

"I don't think I can do this anymore Al." He rubs his face with his hands tiredly. "We're still waiting to hear back from Summarian, We can barely afford to eat, Jess is ignoring my calls-"

"Wait, what? Why is Jess ignoring you?"

"I don't know. A few weeks ago she started declining my calls and not replying to my texts. I don't know what I've done."

"Oh Danny..." I throw my arms around him and hug him for a moment. This was exactly what happened to Ben and me, I needed to talk to Jess.

~ the next day~

"Hey Jess, how are you?"

"I'm fine." She didn't sound fine.

"Yeah, it's funny Danny said the same thing when I asked him this morning and he sounded about as not fine as you." She doesn't say anything. "He loves you Jess-"

"He needs to let me go."

"He needs you right now." I argue. "He's acting crazy, the drinking is getting worse... He's not sleeping, he's looks sick."

"I had no idea..."

"Neither did Ben, people who love you can't just forget. You need to call him, now."

I hang up and slouch down on the sofa, Ben looks over at me a little sadly and offers me his hand. I take it and we sit in silence for a while.

"I honestly didn't know I would hurt you."

"I know."

"I would never do it again."

"I know that to."

He doesn't say anything else and eventually gets up. He walks off over to the kitchen, I swear those boys never stop eating. How they're all so skinny I don't know, I've never seen one of them work out.

Bens POV

I bite my lip and watch Alex sitting on the sofa from the kitchen doorway. She's so beautiful, she doesn't even seem to realise but I still love her. I love her so much but I can't say anything, it's too late to make things the way they were.

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