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"My Ruby, I'd gladly be your king so we can rule our kingdom togethe-!"

the prince,alexander
attempting to convince the princess while getting cut of his sentence

"I do not wish to be with someone as arrogant as you, get out."

The princess coldly claimed as she couldn't believe another one of those disrespectful princes dare to speak of her that way, to a princess of Vandonria that is most definitely not the way to speak to her.
She gave a disgusted look to the prince who seems to be in shock by her words

"But my Ruby! Why don't you want me?! I am royalty, i am handsome and I am one fit to be a king to your queen!"

The prince said, arguing with the Princess of Vandonria, but then later realized what he has done, quickly put his hands over his mouth while apologizing over and over again

"Im so sorry my Ruby, i should not of had spoke to you in such a manner, please forgive me"

the prince said, sweating and immediately regretting what he has done.
As the prince kept apologizing, the princess remains unfazed.
Until she gave out a glare to the arrogant prince

"You do know u can get arrested and locked up if u argue with me, the Ruby of Vandonria, right?"

The prince stood in shock, trying to contain his anger
The Prince of etril didn't have a good temper. And that is why he was always left out, a Prince not having manners is unbelievable.

"Get out or ill make you."

The princess said, coldly it may seem but in truth she was just all too bored to deal with these princes, she had to pick one for the sake of her kingdom but she just didn't know who or how.
She definitely was not interested in any of the men she had met, none of them peaked her interest.

"yes..my Ruby......"
The prince said, leaving the palace while clenching his fist so tightly.

"Father, i don't really know about these prince's, i am not interested in them."

Biting her lip,the princess, diana opened up to her father, the king

As princess Diana said that, her fathers eyes widened up along with the words

"But Diana, you must marry somebody to rule along with you in the kingdom, it  is not easy ruling it on your own. I am not forcing you to get married but im really letting you know the responsibilities of being a singular ruler of a kingdom, this is for the sake of both you and the kingdom, please bear with it."

He said, feeling bad as he watched his daughters boredom look turn into sadness

"I really don't wanna marry these prince's, they are all too..! I dont know, they are just so weird i dont know how to explain! I just don't like them..."

Diana watch her father frown, out of emotion, she felt bad and said

"But.. Ill still try my best to help you, father, im sure I'll find my prince soon! I may just need time.."

The king brought up a soft smile and said

"That's my little princess!! If you ever need help with something, im still here for you"

"Fatheerrrr! I told you to stop calling me thaatttt"

The princess pouted as the king only chuckled seeing his daughters reaction.

His hands made their way onto princess dianas head, slowly patting her.

The princess smiled, she shone bright of her happiness (this is an exaggeration ITS NOT LITERALLY!!)

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