• Chp 7 : Issues •

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(so uh, there's gonna be a shit ton of angst in this chapter)

(TW: recalling of abuse, a lot of violence and cursing)

(F/D : Fav drink)

(Y/N POV):

I grumbled as I woke up, god I feel like fucking bullshit. I stood up, got ready, and went down stairs. "Morning, (N/N)." Pico grumbled out, I yawned as well and gave him a quick 'good morning' before making some coffee. Pico told me that he was gonna go get some groceries, "ight I'll cya later." I grumbled as he left. I finished making my coffee and chugged it down. I went upstairs and decided to change into something like this:

 I went upstairs and decided to change into something like this:

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I went back downstairs and played with my new gun I found, I was shooting at the floor and sometimes the roof. I began to smoke a cigar I had in my pocket until, I began thinking about father and mother. Father...he was such a bastard. "Fucking dick head!!" I snarled and punched a hole in the wall. I kept on punching the wall until I decided to go to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, "Why do act like this...ugh!!!" I growled and punched the mirror, smashing it and getting more blood.

Pico then came home and yelled, "(Y/N) I'm home..- Did you punch my wall!?" I froze, was he actually mad? He always fucking punching the wall and now he's mad at me!? I left the bathroom and looked at him, my eyes filled with tears, he looked shocked. "(N/N), what happened?" He asked, coming closer to me. I sobbed and hugged him explaining what happened.

He let me cry my heart out, "Shh, it's okay (N/N). Your okay." He said softly. I calmed down a bit and said, "Heh, I'm lucky to be friends with ya," He chuckled and let go of me. I sighed and bandage my hands and pulled the glass shards out. Pico was fixing the wall and didn't do any thing to the mirror.

"Wanna play some Mario Kart?" He asked me. I nodded and we played for about 2 hours until I left to grab a (F/D). I came back to Pico just waiting for me which was nice, "I'm shocked you didn't try to beat me while I was gone," I joked. "I would've but, I decided to be nice." He grinned. I laughed and we continued to play until it was about 4:45 PM.

We stopped playing and began to watch some horror movies. Halfway through the movie, Pico wrapped his arm around me, I blushed at his action. "Protective?" I laughed. He ignored me and we kept on watching the movie. 'Why do I feel so, flustered!?' I thought. The movie was over and I yawned.

"Tired?" Pico asked, I simply nodded and eventually fell asleep. I must've woken up a long while later because it was nighttime and my head was buried in the crook of his neck. Although this happened often it stills shocks me. I blushed and right before I was about to leave, Pico yanked me back down. "Stay.." He said, his voice was low so he's probably like half asleep.

I stayed with him the whole night and made sure I didn't beat his ass while we slept. I felt so safe around him but I know that deep down..he must be so weirded out y me because of my issues.

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