Chapter 4

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Garu was so confused, not because Tobe had hurt him. Heaven's no. They have been enemies for years so, of course within those years they had bruised each other up quite a lot. No, what Garu was so confused about was the way Tobe reacted to making him bleed. 'Why did he run?' That was one of many questions that Garu had on his mind, as he slowly brought himself back up to his feet. 'Why did he look so hurt?' Although Garu was standing, he couldn't bring himself to move. He was too shocked to bring himself to leave, and his brain was running a mile a minute with questions. That was until a small 'meow' was heard and was slowly bringing him back. 'Mio...' Garu thought,as he slowly lowered his head to stare down at his cat. "Meow." The black cat nagged Garu's leg with his head, bringing the heart ninja back to earth even more.

Slowly Garu picked Mio, the black looked at him concerned and careful the cat put its paw to his cut cheek. As if asking if he was ok. Garu nodded, giving his cat a look to say 'I'm ok, it doesn't hurt.' Carefully Garu put the black cat on the forest floor, only focused on Mio and his breathing. Garu looked around for his groceries, no longer paying any attention to his cat. By the time he found them and picked them up, Garu noticed Mio wasn't beside him like he thought he was. He looked back and saw that Mio was still where he had put him, but his back was to Garu as he pawed at something on the ground. Garu walked back to his black cat groceries in hand and looked down at what the cat was pawing at. Mio looked up at his owner and mewed when he got closer. 'What the....' Garu looked down and saw it.

A sword... the very tip of the blade had a small amount of blood on it. 'Tobe's sword..' A small frown held its place on Garu's face, lips slightly parted as he stared down at the sword with soft yet sad eyes. Slowly he bent down and picked up the sword without a second thought and started his way back home with Mio by his side. Once home Garu put away his groceries and put his enemy's sword on the table in the living room, while Mio went straight into his bed and napped. 'Would...would Tobe want this back?' Garu thought, looking at the sword. Even though Tobe had hurt him he still felt worried for him, he looked so spooked by when it had happened. 'Should I give this back to him?' A part of Garu really really wanted to take the sword to Tobe just to see him again, but another part of him didn't want to because he was scared of seeing Tobe again. He was worried that Tobe would be mad at him for showing up without warning.

'I need to give this back, even if it means facing Tobe again.' Garu sighed, picking up the sword back to its owner. He cleaned off the small amount of blood that was on the blade and set off to Tobe's 'secret base'. Once he arrived he noticed that none of Tobe's ninjas were there, meaning that if Tobe was here. It was just the two of them alone, the thought of that made Garu's heart race. The heart ninja ignored the feeling though, he didn't want to think about the reason why he felt the way that he did. He looked around for Tobe for a while until he came across a door that was closed, Garu tried opening the door but found it was locked. 'Maybe Tobe's inside?' The heart ninja thought while hesitating to knock on the door in front of him. "Who's there?" A voice said coming from inside, it was Tobe's voice. 'Fuck, I can't answer him...what should I do?' Garu stood there moment, thinking of a way to get Tobe to open the door without breaking his vow.

'Urggggg I regret taking this vow, the only thing I can do to get him to open the door is continue to knock until he opens up.....but I don't want to make him angry...I don't have any other choice.' Garu took a deep breath before knocking on the door continuously, not stopping until a very angry Tobe opened the door. "WHAT?" The navy blue screamed, a look of pure anger on the unmasked ninja's face. Tobe's face softened when he saw Garu standing in front of him. A light blushed appeared on both boys' faces, Tobe's out of embarrassment for yelling and Garu's because it was a rare sight to see the navy blue ninja without his mask. And due that Garu never realized how pretty Tobe was. 'Wait...Did I just say Tobe's pretty?' Garu blushed a little more at that but it still wasn't enough to be noticed."G-Garu what..... What are you doing here?" The heart ninja showed Tobe his sword and handed it to him, which Tobe took from him carefully. Fingers brushing against each other as he did.

"You....why?" Tobe asked, flabbergasted at the fact Garu had come willingly to bring back his own weapon. "I...I just thought you would want it back." Tobe nodded, muttering a thank you while looking down at the sword in his hand,trying not to blush. He looked back up at Garu and noticed that the ninja in front of him was still bleeding. 'How did I not notice that before?' Tobe thought as he leaned his sword against the frame of the door, Garu gave a confused look as he watched Tobe do so. "Tobe?" Carefully the taller boy reached his hand out to cup the smaller face, which in turn made the other blush. Letting out a small hiss has the hand touch the injury that he had neglected to take care of before coming over to return the sword. "I'm sorry, come in and I can fix it." Tobe said retracting his hand and pushing the door open more to let Garu in the room. "No, no it's ok. It doesn't hurt anymore." Tobe looked at him before grabbing his hand and pulling him inside.

"Even if it doesn't hurt anymore it's still bleeding." Garu looked around the room he was dragged into and noticed that the room was in fact a bedroom. TOBE'S bedroom to be more precise. 'Oh god, I'm in his room. I need to leave.' Garu's face grew hot as Tobe sat him down on the bed. "I'm ok really! I can just clean it when I get back!" The heart ninja tried to get up but was sat back down by the man in front of him. "I put it there, I'm going to fix it." The smaller boy tried to protest and leave but the scarred ninja wouldn't let him. "Tobe!" "Garu! Just! Just let me fix this ok? Please just...just me take care of you... please." Tobe let his voice get softer with each word spoken gently cupping the injured cheek, as he looked into Garu's dark hazel colored eyes. Garu felt his face get hotter and hotter until he was sure his face was scarlet in color, never in their whole lives has Tobe ever been this gentle with him. Hell! Never in their lives has Tobe been this gentle with him ever.

Tobe was treating him as if he was a doll made out of the most fragile material ever to exist, and it shamed him knowing that he was loving every second of it. Subconsciously Garu leaned in to the other's touch and bit back a hiss looking at the man with soft half lidded open eyes. Tobe blushed at that look Garu was giving him. 'Fuck, his so cute, I almost want to.... want to...' It took everything Tobe had in him not to lean in and kiss the adorable man in front of him. He had to remind himself that he was injured and needed to be fixed. After getting an 'Ok' from the injured ninja in front of him, he left in search of the first aid kit. He came back with the first aid kit, kneeling in front of the heart ninja as he gently patched up the wound he had given him. An awkward silence filled the room as he did so that was until the scared ninja decided to speak up.

"I-...I'm sorry I hurt you.." "You''re sorry?" "Yes...for everything but especially for this, I didn't realize how much I didn't actually want this till it happened. To be honest I've forgotten why we're enemies to begin with." "In all honesty, I've forgotten too, it's been so long I've forgotten." "That's true, it has..." There was a pause for a moment. "Tobe?" "Yes Garu?" "Why don't we just stop this rivalry and just...I don't know, be friends?" ".....What?"

(Wooooo! I'm back! Hey everyone! Wow there's a lot of you now, that's a little scary not gonna lie.  But I'm so glad there's more of you that seem to be enjoying this! Just to let you guys know I will be reposting the last chapter just because I don't like what wattpad did with the format when it got posted. It'll still be the same but just fixed so it's the format has all the other chapters. Anyways that's all from me for now, I'll see you all next time! Bye!)

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