EP 00 ° Delinquent (prologue)

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Damnit. Seriously? Did I really have to lose my shit like that? Cmon, Y/n have some self-control you animal. Whyd I even hit him in the first place? I dont remember, sall fuzzy. Man, this principal has an annoying voice

Your thoughts rolled in and out of your head as you ignored the lecture the principal was giving you. Your brother sat next to you, listening intently and eyeing you slightly from the side of his eye. When he took notice of you staring at the mahogany desk in front of you rather than paying attention, he flicked your bicep, pulling your attention to him. You brought your hand up to your bicep with a small jump and made a face of confusion at the taller man, earning you a sneer telling you to pay attention better. You huffed softly and rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and slouching into your chair even more.

L/n. You realize the gravity of this situation, correct? The principal addressed you directly, his brows furrowed at your sitting position. Yes. I hit a kid and broke his nose and that wasnt the smart way of handling the situation. You peered at the tubby man through your eyelashes, brows just as furrowed as his, and a haughty, frustrated tone in your words. Do you regret what you did? You thought for a second, recounting the reason you got in a fight in the first place. Hell no. He deserved it. Your decision was final. Fine then. It seems youre hopeless. The principal sighed and sat back down across from you. He pulled out a paper and pen from a drawer and your student file from another. The tubby man set them on the desk, writing something down on the paper as he spoke. Youve given me no choice. Youre both aware that we have a zero-tolerance policy for this kind of behavior. Y/n L/n, youre expelled due to violent actions.

You werent surprised one bit. Youd never stayed at a school for more than four months. You either moved or got expelled for one reason or another. The teachers never listened to your side it seemed when there were issues between you and another person and that was fine. If they didnt want to listen that was ok. You werent allowed to do sports because you were unreliable and untrustworthy. You were a delinquent and you knew it, no adult wants to listen to a delinquent even if they had perfect grades and went to every single class. They see your record and every ounce of trust melts from their bodies. And thats their problem, not yours.

Your brother looked at you, a soft, worried look in his hazel eyes, though his attention was pulled as soon as the principal mentioned his name. Kousuke, as L/ns legal guardian I will need yours and their signature for this. He passed the slip of paper towards the both of you. Kousuke snatches it up before you can, reading it over with a small frown. He set it back down on the desk, picking up the pen, and signing it. He sighed and slid it over to you. Your eyes fell on the bright red EXPULSION NOTICE at the top, and let your gaze drift to your brother's signature at the bottom. Your eyes linger for a second before you hastily grab the pen, scribbling your signature onto the paper, and shove it back to the principal.

Very well. You may leave now. As you hear the dismissal you shoot up from the chair, shoving it back with a high-pitched squeak, and stalk out of the room without another word. Opening the door, you hear your bother apologize for you and start speeding to catch up. Your hands are stuffed into your uniform pockets, your shoes squeaking as your angry footsteps make contact with the ground, the sound multiplying as Kouske sidles up next to you. Its silent between you two, a tension so thick it could be cut hangs in the air, making the oxygen in your lungs hard to breathe.

As you make it outside of the school in silence and into your brothers car, he sighs deeply and finally cuts it. You are such a handful. You stay voiceless as you buckle your seatbelt and stare out the window. You do realize that if that kids parents wanted to press charges you would be fighting in court right now? Y/n why the hell did you do that? His voice was exasperated and frustrated. You could feel his piercing gaze through the side of your head and it was killing you. You hated making trouble for your brother but it was what you seemed to be good at. He threw the first hit. He was the one making an issue. Your lips pursed and there was a burning heat behind your eyes as Kousukes head fell on the steering wheel with a soft thud. I got that far, but why? Why go that far if you knew the consequences? You were quiet again for a second. God, you were stupid. Cause whats the point? The teachers dont care, they see me and my record and immediately ostracize me. Why should I hold myself back if I know whatll happen either way? And whats so wrong about standing up for someone? Hm? Your voice broke slightly as the feelings you tried to force down bubbled up. Whats the point of fighting for someone else if youre not gonna fight for yourself? A tear made its way down your nose as you looked down, taking in your brother's question and clutching your fist. At least then someone knows I care if no one else does.

There was a beat, a few more tears fell before you wiped them away. Kousuke brought his head back up, leaning it against the headrest before shooting into normal position, his eyes wide and determined, boring into you. Ok. Theres no other school in the district, let alone prefecture thatll take you anymore. You chose one hell of a time to get expelled, lucky bastard. You raised your eyebrow at your bother, waiting for whatever the point of this whole thing is. Ive got another job. It's up north a little, in Miyagi. You nodded along, knowing that a move was coming up for a while, it always did. You get one more shot, got it, kid? Youre going to a school up there and you are not going to get expelled. Youre going to start fresh, one last time. His finger pointed at your face, a frustratingly determined look in his eyes and a small smile on his face.

You smiled a little bit at that. If the entire world turned its back on you, which at this point it did, Kouske would be the only person you could turn to. You nodded and sniffled a little, accepting the offer your brother put up. Ill make it through the rest of high school without getting expelled or transferring, I promise. You made eye contact with him, smiling at his determination. And youll make friends. Good ones. Shake on it. He held his open hand out, and without a moment to spare, you grabbed it and shook it, pulling him into a hug. Thank you Kousuke. Really. He squeezed you back, giving you a quick pat on the back before pulling away. Dont mention it, kid, it's what familys for.

Now that you cant back out of it, Youre already signed up for classes at a school. You start at Karasuno next week, I know one of the teachers there from college so youve already got a good word in. Your brother snickers as he starts the short drive back to your apartment building. Seriously? I don't even get a choice where I go? You complain playfully, mock annoyance on your tongue. Beggars cant e choosers, snotrag. When we get home, get your shit packed so we can get settled in on time. Rolling your eyes, you look out at the fields of Saitama prefecture for one of the very last times, happily going into your last new start.


genuinely tho sorry for not being here like at all for years, I've been collaborating on my friends account (Mammon_MyLove) and I've only recently been wanting to get back into writing (burnouts a fuckin bitchhhh)

But I have this to work on now! Updates will still weird cause motivation issues and school but I'll update as I get chapters done

Also feel free to check out my AO3! (Cthonauts_Paradise) I have this and one other story up there!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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