𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢 ー from the start.

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"What a way to say good morning, Kokonoi." You yawned and stood right in front of the door as your classmate, also known as your friend, Kokonoi Hajime, was blocking your way.

"Let me in." You pointed at him but he didn't budge.

"Good morning," he suddenly greeted.


"Good morning, please let me in." You tried to enter but whenever you move to the side, he copies and moves to the same side as you while staring at you. Not to mention, you kind of feel weird today. You feel light-headed.

"You lost your brain after that guy hit your head with a pipe, didn't you?" You asked, shaking off the feeling.

"You're really good at insulting aren't you? Your insults never fail to offend me," the male then pouted, "I'm just glad you came to school. When I came back to Inui after having a shopping spree at the convenience store, you were already gone. I wasn't really expecting you'd attend school today."

"I was forced to go to school." You bluntly replied. Yes, forced.


"Well, that was uncalled for." After Rindou explained to Ran what took place in the streets of Shibuya: some tenjiku members had beaten up two members of toman, they both sat on the sofa quietly with both minds speaking loudly within.

Rindou could only bite his cheeks and twirl his glasses with his fingers, meanwhile, Ran slouched on the sofa beside him while playing with his hair.

Would you come home? Are you going to their place? It's already seven in the evening yet you haven't texted them anything yet, you weren't home.

"[Name]'s going to be mad, isn't she?" Asked Rindou while pouting, "she's definitely mad."

"Maybe she is. But we knew nothing about what happenedー" Suddenly, the door slowly opened, cutting Ran off in the middle of his sentence. The two immediately focused on the door and waited for someone to come out.

"I'm back," it was you. Finally, they were now relieved and instantly approached you.

"Welcome back! I missed you~" Ran cooed, having his arms opened up for you. You gave him a small smile and hugged your brother, he gave you pats on your back.

"What took you so long?" Even though Rindou thought he already knew what might have happened, he still asked, standing beside Ran and wearing his glasses.

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