part 2

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Suga make jk sleep as he is crying hard
Time skips at lunch
In jk room
???:jk baby get up
Jk:hobi hyung let me sleep please
Hobi:no baby get up you can sleep after lunch
"Okay hyung"jk said
Then jk fresh up and come downstairs
jk;(to hobi)hyung can i set on your lap?
Hobi:baby what happened?you Okay?
Jk:it hurts when I sit (pointing on his butt where he got 2 injections)
Hobi:come sit(smile)
Jk went and sit on hobi lap
Hobi start to feed him
Time skips after lunch
Jk:hyung can i sleep with you?(to jin)
jin:yeah baby you can come
Jk spread his arms indicating jin to pick him up
Jin chuckle and pick jk up and left to his room with jk along in his arms
others also went to their room to sleep as all of them are tired from work
In jin room
Jin make jk lay on bed and lay beside him
Jk quickly hug jin and put his head on jin chest
Jin kiss his forehead and both of them sleep
At night jk felt thirsty he went to kitchen to drink water
Jk pov
I suddenly felt thirsty i went to drink water but what i saw make me shock
i saw---------------

So guys tell me in the comment section what jk saw?and what will he Do?
That's it for today
As i am sick
I am having flu and coughing and also sore throats and also body pain
Today first time i will tell my appa to check me😂(you guess right he is a doctor)
I never tell him as i am scared of doctors stuff
Just pray that he don't tell me to take injection or else i am gone
Idk when will I post next ep ep as our house is also renovating you know paints and some other works so there is so mess
I dont have time for whole day so
I hope you will understand
And sorry for short episode
Stay tuned for next ep💕
And silent readers do comment

Quote of the day:
"Do everything until i can't"

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