Really Caleb 2

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Hey guys Annie here and we just arrived at the Bahamas, ya, and Caleb is happy but not so happy, know what I mean? Hayley is also happy, well actually excited, same here, YES. The only reason why we are at the Bahamas is because it's for my gymnastics meet, and that is why I'm home schooled, haha you already new that. What's up guys Caleb here and Annie has a gymnastics meet today, I can't wait to see her floor routine, because I asked to see it and she said I got to wait, so I can not wait to see it. Hey guys Hayley here, and we are now at the gymnastics meet, and Annie is up on bars right now, so ya, ( Annie Collins to floor), Annie is up now yes. (GO ANNIE)
Okay Annie's floor routine was AWASOME, Um Hayley, yes Annie, you spelled awesome wrong, well hoe do u spell it? You spell it like this, AWESOME, oh so it awesome, yes correct Hayley. Hey guys annie here and we are going to a restaurant because I won all 4 events, I'm so happy, anyway we are almost to "SAM'S CHICKEN FULLAY",their food is so good, I love their food. Well talk to u guys when we get there. Hey guys annie here and Caleb just fell out of the car and busted his head open, YIKES, what Hayley? There is blood, oh my goodness, Hayley go tell mom, okay I'll be back - Hayley, hurry Hayley -Annie.

Hey guys Annie and Hayley here and we are at the hospital, so the doctors can check his head out I'll tell u what the doctor says later - Hayley. 30 minutes later- Hey guys Annie her and Caleb does not need stables or stitches in his head, so he's okay, just a lot of blood tho. Well guys it time for the question of the day, Who would you rather be in your family ( for a month). I would wanna be Hayley, because she is the youngest and she don't get blamed for anything -Annie. I would rather be Annie so I could have a little sister - Hayley. I would rather be Hayley as well so I don't get blamed for anything ( cause I'm the oldest) -Caleb.

Okay don't forget to comment down below cause we wanna know the question of the day is, who would you rather be in your family for a whole month? -Annie. K bye see you tomorrow -Annie.

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