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* Trailer for Wrong number on top.*

"Buzz Buzz"

Hey babe how you doing. -Alexander

Stop calling me babe. - Nox

uh huh . Really what are you doing . - Alexander

Buying a new penny board - Nox

You skate ? - Alexander

Yeah I am a TOM BOY . - Nox

After Alexander stopped texting Me, I went to find the Ares. I followed the laugh that belong to Ares. What I saw scared me. Ares was kissing our QB. Jack Matthews. I snap a picture of them and posted it on twitter tagging them. I went to the penny board area and started creating my board. Then I hear screaming. I put on my cocky smile.

May I have the Lime green board and the black wheels with the blue trim.

Anything else my lady.

On the back can you write TOM-BOY.



Skating around town my ring tone started to play. " My milkshake bring all the boys to the yard and they're like it's better than yours. Dam right."


Hey Babe.

What do you want Alexander.

To tell you I am coming home tomorrow .


Some stupid ass kids came to camp with the flu.

Wow they are dumb ass. Can you hold on a sec.


This old lady started yelling at me to get off the sidewalk. Like damn you need to chill. I flipped her off. Like you want me to get hit.

Hey you still there.

Yeah. Why did I hear yelling.

Some crazy ass old grandma wanted me to stop staking.

tell her to fuck off.

I flipped her off.

That's my girl.

Bye Alexander.

Wait did you get a package.

Yeah why.

Open it.

okay i will when i am home.



With that I hung up. Ares text me saying that she will be with jack. I text her okay. I head home only to be met with Ty. I walk right pass him. He thinks he can just come up and say sorry. Not this time buddy. I run up to my room and open the package. It was a sweat shirt and a jersey. I look at the back and it say A. Edgewood. I smile and put in on my bed. Ty was downstairs waiting.

God Ty can't you get out please.

No I can't Nox. We got shit to fix.

No we don't. Go kiss the slut .

The next thing I know I am on the ground. Ty runs to my side but i get up and run. I run until I can't breath. I end up by motel 7 or 8. I don't even know I went to the front desk. I look at the young man and ask for one room for 2 weeks. I went in the room and just cried. My hand was shaking as I picked up my phone. I go find Alexander and called him.



What's wrong.

I need you here.

Nox I wish I could be there.

Me too.

I started to fall asleep to Alexander's voice. I wish I could feel his hugs.

Wrong Number ? (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now