Chapter 1

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My mom was trying to get me up for the first day of school. What she didn't know was I was pretty much already up because I could never really fall asleep. It wasn't just my first day of school, it was my first day of school at my new suckish school in my new suckish town. I would have been fine on the first day of school back home in NYC. I would've taken the subway with my best friends Jase and Christin to our art school. They were always ready for an adventure. They understood my taste in music and the deepest, dusty corners of my life. We had so many inside jokes, like my name being the name of one of our favorite bands. But today I was starting school with no one I've ever met before and no one I was really interested in meeting.
"I'm coming!"
I threw on my favorite tee shirt, some skinny jeans, and my old beat up Converses and headed to the kitchen were I quickly stuffed down a bowl of cereal. Me and my mom jumped in her old black Mustang running five minutes late as we're usually were (at least something was the same).
As we pulled up to the school I guess my mom noticed my annoyance with the whole situation and said,
"You'll be fine Nirvana. I'm sure you will make some friends."
"I don't wanna make new friends. I just want to be with my old friends at my old school in my own city instead of at this school, which by the way has NO art program," I replied.
"It was a great work opportunity for your dad, plus this is the town he grew up in. He went to this school too, you know? That's pretty cool."
"Not cool enough for me to want to stay."
"It's time for you go, your already late."
She planted a kiss on my forehead and I grabbed by bookbag and jumped out of the car.
My nightmare had just begun.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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