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He loves PDA. Far as he is concerned he can show off his beautiful mate because he knows he is very lucky to have you in his life.


He is okay with it but is still very shy. He will give you nose kisses but and lay with you but that's honestly about it everything else he waits until he's alone with you.


Like Hazel this one. He does everything he can to show off for you but whenever he realizes it's getting on your nerves he will back off and just be happy with bringing you some food to show his love.


She gives lots of PDA she doesn't care who is around but when she knows its making you uncomfortable with others around she lays off some until you guys are alone then she picks back up on the affection.


He is like Fiver and shy but does plenty of other things like bringing you food, always laying with you, and making sure your always comfortable and ok.


She isn't too big on PDA but she makes sure to always give you nose kisses.


He is in between he likes PDA but believes majority of it belongs in the burrow.


He is weird about PDA he has his times he wants to give lots of PDA and then times he wants to give only little PDA but at the end of the day he always makes sure to tell you he loves you.


He isn't too big on PDA but will give enough to show you he is proud to call you his mate and to show others you are his.


She is always up for PDA she will give you random licks on the cheek, groom on your ears, anything she can in general to show you she loves you.


Where you are both still young he will mostly give nose kisses and nuzzle you while always staying with you until you want him to give you some space.

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