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All men are not created equal, a lesson a young Izuku Midoriya learned at the age of four. You may be asking, "why so young?," well Izuku lives in a world of super heros, where 99% of the population have superpowers, or quirks as they're called. Izuku is part of the 1% that don't have quirks, and yet he dreams of becoming a hero like his idle, Allmight.

Izuku was walking with Katsuki Bakugo, a friend turned bully (Izuku wouldn't say Katsuki was a bully) and two of Katsuki's grunts. They were walking through the city, headed to an arcade. They all walked up to a crosswalk and started making their way across.

Izuku heard something moving fast and looked to his left to see a car headed right towards them. It seemed the others didn't notice as Katsuki was to busy talking about how great a hero he would become. Without thinking, Izuku ran forward and pushed the three boys out of the way. When the boys turned around to yell at Izuku, or Deku as they called him, they saw the car ram straight into him, sending him skidding across the road and into a nearby building. Izuku's world turn black in impact.

-An hour later: Hospital-

Inko Midoriya was pacing around worried. She had received a call that her son had been hit by a car driven by a villain. She was worried for him as he was all she had left. Her husband, Hisashi Midoriya, had left and hadn't come back when he heard about Izuku being quirkless. He did send money to them as it was required by law, but he was in America and wasn't planning on coming back.

Inko felt a hand rest on her shoulder as she turns to see her best friend, Mitsuki Bakugo.

Mitsuki: "Inko, please sit, your running yourself ragged."

Inko: "I can't, my sweet Izuku is in an emergency room fighting for his life. He's all I have left."

Mitsuki: "I know, but would he want to see you like this? Running yourself into the ground and stressing yourself out. The doctors are working hard, have some faith."

Before Inko could respond doctors and nurses hurried into the room. Inko could see what looked to be a fire from the other side of the door before it shut. Without think, Inko burst into the room, Mitsuki following close behind, only to see a fire on a hospital bed, obscuring the view of whatever was in it.

Inko had a feeling she knew what was on the bed, her precious baby. One of the doctors, luckily, had a water quirk and used it to douse the fire. Everyone was relieved when the fire was put out, but we're shocked to see something in the bed, and this something wasn't Izuku Midoriya.

The thing in the bed was small, had red and white scales, looked to be in some kind of hooded robe, had three fingered hands (counting the thumb), and a long white tail.

The thing in the bed was small, had red and white scales, looked to be in some kind of hooded robe, had three fingered hands (counting the thumb), and a long white tail

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Inko stared at the creature in wonder. It was something she had never seen before. Her mind suddenly clicked as she looked around the room and couldn't see her baby anywhere. Everyone in the room soon heard a groan and looked to the creature in the bed, who was now waking up.

The creature opened it's eyes, revealing they were completely white with the only way to tell them apart from the face being two black circles surrounding them. The creature looked towards Inko.

???: "Mommy?"

Inko looked shocked. The creature had just called her mommy. Was this... she had to know.

Inko: "Izuku, is that you?"

The creature looked confused.

???: "Yeah mommy. Why are you asking that?"

Tears streamed down Inko's face and she moved forward and hug her son tightly, openly sobbing tears of joy. Her son was okay, if a little different, but that didn't matter now, her son was okay and that's all that mattered.

-Hours later-

Inko was sitting in her car with a sleeping Izuku in the back seat. Today had been a long day for the both of them and all Inko wanted to do was get home with her son and sleep.

Inko looked towards her sleeping little dragon and wondered what happened to him and what caused it. She was happy that whatever saved him will help with the bullying that he was receiving. Inko knew about it, but whenever she tried to get a teacher or the principal to handle the situation, she was ignored. She even went as far as to try and get the police involved, but once the police heard that her son was quirkless, they refused to help and threatened to arrest her for, "slander."

She soon arrived home and carried her baby to his room before heading to her own and going to sleep.

-Dream scape-

Izuku woke up in a field surrounded by fire. He was confused and looked around.

???: "Hello young one."

Izuku looked around before looking up to see a large dragon. It had red and cream scales with feathers along the wings. She wore some golden armor and radiated an aura of flames.

 She wore some golden armor and radiated an aura of flames

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???: "I am Chakrabarthi phoenix dragon, Nirvana Jheva. I used my power to revive you into one of my warriors to protect the world. I saw that you are one of pure heart and I decided you should live on. You proved your heart by sacrificing yourself, even for the ones who have cause you harm."

Izuku: "Y-you gave me powers?"

Nirvana: "Yes young one, and your powers are only going to grow. Use this gift well and become a true hero, even greater than the hero you look up to."

Izuku: "Y-you think I c-can be a greater h-hero then Allmight?"

Nirvana: "Yes, I know you can."

Tears were running down Izuku's face as he was extremely happy. Someone believed in him and truly believed that he could help people, even gave him a way to help people just like how he dreamed.

The flames around the two dragons started going down.

Nirvana: "It looks like our time is coming to an end. I hope you use your gifts to do the right thing."

Izuku: "I-I will."

Soon the flames faded and Izuku faded into a dream of him being a hero that people looked up to with hope, however he was taller and looked different then.


That's the end of this chapter, and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. This is also the first time I am having someone go over my stories to fix up any mistakes that I made, so thanks X4NDR14 for all the help.

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