Napping with Seungmin ♡

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It was most certainly a long day.

You had spent the better part of daylight doing chores around the dorm; everyone's laundry was done, the dishes were all cleaned and put away, and all of the beds were spotless. Normally you wouldn't do all of this for the boys, I mean hell, they are grown men who need to learn how to adult, but seeing how they'd return home after long, 14-hour practice days brought out a softer side to you. So once, just this once, you did them a favor. With a comeback just around the bend, you were certain they were far too exhausted to even think about the storm of responsibilities that brewing upon their horizons. You, on the other hand, had your days mostly to yourself; working only a part time job now that your semester had finished freed up a lot of time for you. So again, just this once, you decided to cut them some slack and make their lives just that much easier.

God, where would they be without you?

It was some time between 6 and 7 PM when the collection of them piled in through the door, much to your surprise. The chorus of sighs and heavy bags dropping to the ground shook you out of the trance you were in, eyes glued to the television. "Back so soon?" you asked, leaning over the armrest towards them.

Like any other day, Seungmin was the first to reach you, practically collapsing on top of your body with how recklessly he threw himself onto the couch. He hugged your waist lazily from your sitting position and gazed up at you. "Just couldn't stay away," he said.

Looking down at your beloved, you threaded your fingers through his hair. He leaned comfortably into your touch, a relaxed smile spreading across his cheeks.

"Yeah, they let us out early tonight because we're just about prepared," Chan explained, strolling into the kitchen, most likely to begin preparing dinner. "(yn), did you clean up around here?"

"I did," you called over to him triumphantly. "Figured I'd do you guys a solid for once after how hard you've been working."

"Wow, she really does have a heart," Minho joked, settling into the couch next to the loveseat you already occupied. Seungmin flailed his leg towards him, trying and failing to kick him for his comment.

"You're welcome," you scoffed. It wasn't uncommon for the boys to poke fun at you lightly, but you knew it was all with good intentions. You technically didn't live with them, but with how much time you spent at the dorm, you might as well. A big, happy family, as some might call it.

You entertained casual conversation with anyone who started it with you. The boys came and went, stealing bites from Chan's cooking and receiving a fair amount of scolding from him each time. The minutes quickly became an hour and once the episode of the show you were watching ended, you came to realize the absent minded combing of your fingers through the boy in your arms' hair had sent him into a peaceful slumber. "Seungmin," you whispered, poking at his cheek softly. "Seungminnie, wake up."

He simply groaned in response, shifting and tightening his arms around your waist.

You laughed, grabbing at his arms, desperately trying to pull him off of you. "Seungmin, come on. You can't sleep out here." It was beyond you how he even managed to fall asleep with the ruckus of the seven other boys surrounding him.

"Fine," he grumbled, sitting upright and stretching his lanky arms all the way out. "I'm going to take a nap in the safety of my own bed, then." Standing tall before you, he extended a hand to your aid. "Care to join?"

What were you going to do after a long day's work of making sure these kids were living comfortably, say no? You took his hand in yours and followed him down the hall.

"Use protection!" Jisung yelled from his room opposing yours when he saw your bodies pass by into the darkened room.

"You're disgusting!" "I'm exhausted!"

The pair of you shouted over each other in unison in a hilarious attempt to shut Jisung up. If there was anyone for making digs like that, it was always him, and he never got tired of your reactions.

Not even bothering to change, Seungmin kicked off his sneakers and fell flat against his bed. You followed suit, crawling comfortably up beside him. You rested your head against his chest and swung an arm lazily across his torso. You slept best when you could listen to his heartbeat.

"God, where would I be without you?" Seungmin asked, staring up at the ceiling and twirling a strand of your hair around his finger.

You chuckled. "Funny, I thought the same thing earlier."

Clearly not as tired as he made himself out to be, Seungmin continued his soft touches to your hair as he told you stories about the havoc he and the others had wreaked that day in the training building. Not that you were ever one to oppose this, of course. Seungmin had the most relaxing voice in the world and you could listen to him talk about anything he wanted for hours upon hours. Here and there you'd give him an assuring hum, letting him know you were still listening. That is, until eventually he felt your body begin to relax and your breathing became more steady.

Seungmin leaned down oh, so carefully, so as not to disturb you, and planted a kiss to the top of your head. "Goodnight, sweetheart," he spoke into your hair, finally letting his head fall back against the pillows as he drifted away to sleep as well.

note: the OG fic that this is a re-upload of is so old that i had to change the part where it says "seven boys" from eight... bruh

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