Chapter 2

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I am back. It took a few days to finish this chapter but I hope you all enjoy this chapter. 

It was a sunny day in the Ru'aun region. A young girl with silk black hair and caramel eyes was walking around in the forest. She had on her normal attire of a purple tank top and black shorts with black fingerless gloves. This young woman's name was Aphmau and she was looking for a place to stay. She hums a lullaby, one she doesn't remember ever hearing, as she looks up at the sky. The sun was getting ready to set and she didn't want to be out in the dark. "Oh jeez, is it to hard to find a place to stay for the night?" She asks herself. It was then she heard a noise, a branch breaking. She quickly turns to the source and sees a man standing next to a tree, his hand laying gently on it. He looks at her surprise and turns and runs in the opposite direction of her. "Hey! Wait!" Aphmau quickly followed him, doing her best to keep up but he was much quicker than her. It was then she came out of the forest and into a village, a small one. She stops, panting hard as she watches what she thinks is a guard chasing after the man that led her to the village. Another guard, one who had a helm over his face, his eyes being the only thing she could see, quickly made his way to her. "Miss, are you alright!?" There was worry in his tone as he held his hands up in case she was to fall over from exhaustion. "Yes....just out of...breath." She pants out the entire sentence. The other guard, the one who was chasing the man from before, came back quickly. He too was wearing a helm that covered his face, not being able to see anything if his face. He stops as he sees Aphmau, still bent over from the running. He could feel his face heating up under the helm and clears his throat. He knew he had to be the calm one as Zenix was getting ready to panic. "Miss, are you alright? Do you need water?" Aphmau shakes her head and takes in a gulp of air as she straightens herself, smiling at the two guards before her. "I'm alright now. Just ran out of breath from trying to keep up with that guy." The one guard sighs and looks her over before drawing his sword, pointing it to Aphmau. "Good, now that you can speak clearly... who are you and what are you doing in our village?" Aphmau looked a little confused and shocked as she saw the sword pointed at her, feeling a bit of fear as well. "My na-" Before Aphmau has the chance to say her name, the other guard gives him a solid slap on the back of the head, causing him to stumble forward and drop his sword. Aphmau too takes a step back, not wanting to get stabbed with the sword. "Zenix you idiot. Why would you draw your sword on someone who has no weapon?" The guard, Zenix, almost looked a little ashamed about doing so. "Well Sir Garroth. We don't know who she is. For all we know, she could be with that man that you chased after!" The guard, Garroth, could only sigh and shake his head. "Zenix, I'm pretty sure she isn't with that man." Garroth looks at Aphmau, "May I ask what your name is miss?" Aphmau looks between Garroth and Zenix, pointing at Zenix. "He's not gonna point that thing at me again, is he?" Aphmau indicted at the sword laying on the ground and before Zenix could pick it back up, Garroth quickly grabs it by the hilt and holds it away from Zenix. "He won't do it again, will you Zenix?" Even though no one could see Garroth's face, both Aphmau and Zenix could feel the glare he was giving Zenix. "No Sir Garroth..." Garroth nods and gives his attention back to Aphmau. "My name is Aphmau. I'm sorry for intruding. I'm only trying to find a place to stay for the night." Garroth was getting ready to respond but a splash behind him caused him to roll his eyes and turn. A woman was leaning over in a well and she could be heard yelling but what she said was hard to make out. "I'm sorry Miss Aphmau. I must go take care of this. Zenix, please show her a place where she can stay." Before Zenix could get a word in, Garroth walks off, still holding Zenix's sword in his hand. Zenix grumbles to himself as he motions for Aphmau to follow him. Aphmau does so, keeping an eye on him in case he tries to attack her again. As they walk, Aphmau looks around, seeing how badly the small village seems to be. "Wow. What happened here?" Zenix stops and looks back at her, a sadness sinks into his eyes. "Our Lord died. Since then, the guards have been defying Sir Garroth and the village seems to be dying, in a way I suppose. Without a lord, we are like a bunch of mindless chickens." It was then Zenix shuts up and begins walking again, not wanting to talk about it anymore. Aphmau respected that and kept silent about it. After a few minutes, Zenix stops in front of a building. "You can stay here for now. Unfortunately, all houses have been occupied by every villager we have and this is the biggest place we have." Aphmau nods and opens the door, walking in. She takes a look around and then turns back to Zenix, "Does anyone else live here?" "Yes, the village librarian lives here. She's a feisty one so be careful what you say around her." Aphmau looked a little confused before she shrugged. She takes a seat on a small couch and closes her eyes. "Thank you, Sir Zenix. I thought I would have to sleep in a tree or some kind of hole tonight." Zenix could feel a small blush forming under his helm, "You're quite.." He clears his throat, his voice cracking a bit. "You're quite welcome, Miss Aphmau. I'm happy to be of service to you." Zenix closes the door to the library and walks off to find Garroth. As Aphmau was starting to settle into her new place, Zenix finds Garroth pulling someone out of the well. "Sir Garroth, the newcomer is in the library if you wish to meet with her. Did Sir Dale fall into the well again?" Garroth only nods his head, still pulling the drunken man out of the well, his breath coming out in pants. "" He pants out each word. Zenix stands next to Garroth and the both of them pull Dale out of the well. With the drunken man laying in the ground, giggling and hiccupping, Garroth and Zenix were bent over, hands in their knees and breathing hard. "Mo..mother of Irene.." Garroth was still panting but straightens himself and walks over to Dale, staring down at him with disappointment on his face, not that anyone could see his face. "Dale, you need to get your act together. This is embarrassing for the second in command." Dale could only have a goofy smile on his face as he stared up at Garroth. "Garrrroth~ When did you get here?" His words were slurred together as he spoke. Again, Garroth only sighs and shakes his head before stepping over him. "Zenix, take Dale to the guard station. Sober him up. I'll be by shortly to give him another talking to about drinking on the job." Zenix nods and grabs one of Dale's arms, lifts him up to his feet and with very little help from Dale, begins to drag him to the guard station. Garroth watches them for a moment before he makes his way to the library. It was a scream that caused him to move quicker, his hand on the handle of his sword, ready to draw if need be. He makes it to the library and just before he could open the door, it swings open and out runs a young woman with blonde hair and glasses, running straight into Garroth. Garroth grabs her by the shoulders and shakes her slightly. "Emmalyn! Emmalyn! What's wrong!?" The young woman, Emmalyn, was panicked, her eyes darting everywhere and anywhere, her words coming out jumbled. "Emmalyn!" The word came out sharp and in a commanding time, causing her to suddenly freeze and look at Garroth. "Take a deep breath and tell me what is the matter." Emmalyn does just that, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, closing her eyes to calm herself. She opens her eyes once more and looks at him, the fear is still in her eyes, "Th-theres someone i-i-in Th-theres.." Garroth was a little confused before it clicked into place. "Emmalyn, it's okay." Emmalyn looked shocked at his words and pushed him back with surprising strength. "'Okay'!? It is not okay! There is a strange woman in my house and you think it's okay!? She could be in there to kill me!" Emmalyn was quite angry and Garroth couldn't blame her. He steps to her and lays a gentle hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner. "She's new in the village Emmalyn. She has no place to stay and your place is the only place big enough to have her for a short period of time." Emmalyn stutters, words trying to come out but nothing makes sense. She sighs in frustration and walks off, fuming. Garroth sighs and walks in, seeing Aphmau sitting in the couch staring at the fire that was there. "Miss Aphmau?" Aphmau jumps and quickly looks at Garroth. "Oh jeez, you startled me." Garroth put his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry. It seems like you also startled Emmalyn." "Emmalyn? Is that her name? I tried to explain why I'm here but she started to panic and we'll, I guess you can figure out the rest." Aphmau had to chuckle slightly in embarrassment and Garroth chuckles as well. "Yes well, there's only so much we can do for her. Unfortunately there isn't a place for you to stay by yourself." The smile that came to Aphmau's face made Garroth's heart stop. She was like an angel to him, beautiful. "It's not a Was it?" Garroth had to snicker at her attempt to pronounce his name. "It's actually pronounced Garr-oth." Aphmau tested it a few times to get it right before she nodded. "Well then, Garroth, thank you for allowing me to stay in this village." "It's not a problem Miss Aphmau. You are more than welcome to stay as long as you like. I would just like to apologize in advance." Aphmau looked a little confused by what he said. "What do you mean?" Garroth sighs and takes a look out the window, seeing what was left of their broken down village. "It's a story for another time. One I hope to never tell you." Aphmau was even more confused now. She could tell by the tome in his voice that something was wrong. He sounded...sad. Like he lost someone or something he cared about and couldn't quite get over it yet. Aphmau looks him over once more, finally getting a good chance to really look at him. She could tell he was strong but he wore the helm and she wasn't quite sure as to why. She shakes her head and goes back to her observation. She noticed that he stood tall and had some sort of power emitting from him. He looked to be in charge. Aphmau had to admit, it was a nice thing to see. "Well Sir Garroth. It's a pleasure to meet you and Sir Zenix. I hope to get to know you and this village more." She smiles brightly at him and Garroth feels his heart stop once more. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Aphmau. Please, come to me or any of my guards if you need anything." Aphmau nods and Garroth leaves. But outside was Zenix and Emmalyn waiting, they overheard everything that was said. "You're really not going to tell her, Sir Garroth?" Zenix asks Garroth, a confused look comes into his eyes. "No, she doesn't need to know unless she is planning on staying in this village or moving on." Emmalyn had a worried look upon her face. "Garroth, she should know that we no longer have a lord. Whether she stays or not." Garroth only shakes his head. "Sir Garroth, no one is listening to you. If you took the position of Lord then-" "No!" The sudden anger that came from him as he spoke that one word made Emmalyn and Zenix step back. Garroth takes a deep breath and forces himself to calm down. "No, I am a guard, nothing more. It is not right that I take up the position of Lord. I'm not fit to lead like that." There was something in his voice, something that Emmalyn or Zenix couldn't make out. They both looked at him, sadness and worry over their faces. "Unless someone takes it upon themselves to be the lord of this village Garroth, there won't be a village anymore." Emmalyn looks at where she's pretty sure Garroth's eyes are as she says this, hoping her words will reach him and help him change his mind. "I know Emmalyn, I know." Zenix then steps forward and says his piece. "Phoenix Drop will become ashes like the bird. But unlike the bird Sir Garroth, it won't rise back up and be reborn from the ashes." Garroth sighs as the three of them look upon the village, seeing the chaos that was becoming of their small village, knowing none of them can do anything. It hurt them, to see the village, their home, become like this. "May Irene have mercy on us and help us in our time of need." Garroth mutters under his breath, looking up at the clear sky. Little did he know, his pray was going to be answered very soon.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Leave a comment down below if you did! until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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