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At the startled scream, Valt immediately recognised his trusty friend's voice and dashed over to the source with a heroic call of 'Honchooo!'. The rest of the beyclub stood stationary for a moment, Wakiya grinned.

"Ha! Let's go see what's up," he mirthfully commented before running as well.

Daigo sighed then exchanged a glance with Shu before the two also walked over.

It was the second day of the team tournament which meant they had to grind down and train like their life depended on it. It had been a measly thirty minutes after school, Rantaro offered to retrieve their water bottles from the club room and fetch it back to the roof. The unpredictable scream meant something had gone wrong.

They all stood at the entrance of the cramped, miniscule room- it was dusty like an antique site preserved for years from negligence and lack of use. The beyclub often opted to practise on the rooftop for space and fresh air, so the poor state of the room wasn't a mystery.

"Woah man, it's so dusty!" Valt exclaimed, stating the obvious with wonder like he'd discovered a national treasure.

"I wonder why," Daigo sarcastically mumbled.

"Urgh where is that idiot? Leave it to him to mess up such a small chore!" Wakiya scoffed.

"Hey?!" The insulted yell drew all their attention as it was the voice they had been searching for. "I bet you don't even know how to do dishes!"

"So what?" Wakiya snapped back carelessly.

"Urgh!!! Spoiled rich kid..." Rantaro muttered spitefully.

"Yo, what's wrong man?" Daigo asks, exasperated.

"Ohhh yeah!" Valt backed up, remembering why he had run here in the first place. "You okay man???"

"Uh yeah," Rantaro gruffed. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Cut the macho man act up, we all heard the girly squeal." Wakiya sneered, cockily, enjoying the mockery.

"Excuse me?!" Rantaro questioned, indignant. "I do not squeal, and it was not girly. And how about you, goldilocks? All that hair and skinny bones?"

"What?!" Wakiya replied in an overly insulted squawk.

"Cut it out guys," Daigo intervened.

"Yeah! Daigo's right, if nothing's wrong let's just go back!" Valt suggested, grinning excitedly at the prospect of another practice match with Daigo, maybe even Shu!

"Uhhh..." Rantaro groaned, swallowing a hard gulp.

"What is it now?!" Wakiya snapped, as short tempered as ever.

"Guys," Shu called. "I think I know what's up."

"There's something up?" Valt wondered aloud as dense as a rock, his head instinctively whipping to stare at the ceiling inquisitively.

"Urgh! I'm stuck in a group of buffoons!!" Wakiya groaned with utmost pity for himself.

"Yeah Shu?" Daigo prompted.

Shu raised his arm, casually gesturing to the corner beside Rantaro's left foot. They squinted a little from the dim, dingy lighting but then a hairy, small figure scuttling sideways. It shifted a little close to Rantaro's feet which elicited a high wail and then erratic, frantic stomps so Rantaro was safely nestled with the rest of his friends on the opposite side of the claustrophobic room. At the sudden movement, Valt stumbled backwards from his friend's intrusion causing him to knock the door closed.

"Now look at what you did, can you not be clumsy for one minute?" Wakiya complained, using his irritation to hide his gnawing fear at the darkness now shrouding them.

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