not much of a meet cute...

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"God, she's so trash! Who does she think she is? A fucking loser kitty shouldn't be the one who gets more streams than me, she can't even speak properly without going all uwu uwu like geez!" Dream slams his table and releases all the frustration b...

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"God, she's so trash! Who does she think she is? A fucking loser kitty shouldn't be the one who gets more streams than me, she can't even speak properly without going all uwu uwu like geez!" Dream slams his table and releases all the frustration building up from months. He's annoyed and irritated afterall Hello Kitty was better than him. She always was and she always would be. "WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" to Dream's unfortunate surprise, almost everyone left his stream, there were hate comments all over his chat, he watched his career crumble up. "W-what i-is happening? I-"

Not hours after the incidence, there was paparazzi all around Dream's house, there were cults, there were oh so many strikes, they all wanted Dream gone. Hello Kitty was influential, everyone had always been charmed by her and so with Dream too but in between the feud, they all chose Hello Kitty. "GET OUT YOU PIECE OF SHIT, WE AIN'T LETTING YOU DREAM ANYMORE!!!!" People chanted in the streets, he had to escape, he couldn't stay in there anymore, he would've been killed.

He ran, ran away from the crowd of people who were fuming with anger and could possibly kill him, they all loved Hello Kitty and couldn't stand a single person who didn't like her. He ran till where his feet could take him and ended up near a few trash cans, he sat there panting. He was really re-considering his life decisions. He, for the first time in 5 years, cried. and he just won't stop crying, how could he be so envious of someone, his ego wouldn't settle with that. He screams, "DAMN YOU STUPID KITTY!"

"purrr, how dare you call mew a stewpid kitty???" Hello Kitty says as she stands in front of him. "dont you feel purthetic lying next to trash cans? i mean that's where you belong and everything but come on!", she rolls her eyes and gives him her hand to hold onto. Dream resists and gets up on his own. He was fuming. "YOU HAVE RUINED MY LIFE" he screams in her face. "i didn't do anything, you ruined it yourself uwu" she replies in the sassiest way possible. Dream was shook, how could she be so cocky like he could for real pop her with his gang.

 Dream was shook, how could she be so cocky like he could for real pop her with his gang

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"NOW HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO HEAD HOME!?" Dream growls. Hello Kitty smirks, "i have a meowtastic idea... why don't you come to my cattery?", Dream snaps back, "don't try to be so sly you little bitch, i ain't going to your stupid cattery." Kitty replies, "well.. okay then, head home." Dream at the thought of that stutters but confidently turns back to head home... only to run back to Kitty.

"okay, i cannot fucking go back so let's go to your stupid 'cattery' but no funny business, alright?" Dream sets his ego aside for his own safety. "meowww, no funny pussiness it is" Kitty smirks again. "do you really have to keep making cat puns?" Dream rolled his eyes in annoyance. "yessirr, that's my brand, i mean my purrrand." Kitty holds Dream's hand and pulls him and makes him run all the way to her home

Dream blushes over the fact she held his hand with her cute little paw, he thinks, "what in the actual living fuck is wrong with me, maybe im just embarrassed, happens lol" He enters the huge villa she lives in and she leads him to a huge room, "and that's where you'll live, for the time being." Dream walks in and he is... GROSSED OUT. Hello Kitty bed, pillows even the fucking walls, she's... everywhere, in every corner.


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 "yes you do, my cattery, my meowrch, my rawrules."

"ugh, ew by the way, but whatever for this night."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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