Chapter One

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I / Dragonborn

I / Dragonborn

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King's Landing, 123 AC

    Rhaelys Velaryon was born exactly seven moons after her parents' wedding. The rumours of her parentage had been shushed when the girl was five years old. Her hair was white and her eyes were the traditonal Targaryen purple. But how could a girl born only seven moons after a wedding be perfectly healthy?

By eight, she was fluent in almost Valyrian. Some whispers were even that Princess Rhaelys followed the Gods of Old Valyria, rather than the Seven.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The Gods, in her own words, were the only constant. The tide changes, the seasons change, the moon turns, but the Gods stay the same forevermore. On every seventh day of the week, Rhaelys would spend at least two hours in the sept, praying before the Gods. Rhaelys spoke to no one of her religious beliefs, though. Rhaelys Velaryon was more inward rather than outward.

By twelve, Rhaelys had declared that if it was not for her destiny to be Queen, she would've become a Septa of the Faith. But alas, the Gods themself had chosen another destiny for the young princess. She was to be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. 

   "Are you listening to me, Rhae?" Helaena asked her friend, and all of a sudden Rhaelys was shaken awake by the reality of things. "Of course. The butterfly is pretty, but what is its use, I wonder?" Helaena sighed, and let the pretty creature fly away then. "Its use is the same as ours, I suppose. To simply be pretty and keep quiet." The King's daughter and granddaughter got along splendily, ever since they were young. Helaena was about a year older than Rhaelys, though in she was far more mature than Rhaelys. Where Helaena loved everything to do with insects, and riddles and books, Rhaelys loved to fight.

"I've got to go and visit my mother, but I'll come back later?" Rhaelys asked Helaena, who nodded at her and smiled, all without making eye contact. Helaena had never been fond of physical affections, and it was rare that she would hug anyone. And if Helaena did hug someone, more oft than not it was her niece, Princess Rhaelys.

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