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I'll be just fine anywhere else but here
If I didn't say a thing, would you even notice i was there
Why did you even bring me with you, I'm invisible
You make jokes and slander me, you've made me miserable

You use me like a shield, so you don't get hit
You say you love me, yet you never show it
How come you only "love" me when you need my help
The only way you call my name is in a yelp

The realization was the worst part for me
I should have known that communication is key
Maybe I should just cut my wrists
You know I've never been fucked like this

How did I not notice earlier, how was I so blind
It wasn't long untill you stabbed a knife in my behind
You left me bleeding on the floor, you left me for dead
Sadly I survived, you should have just shot me in the head

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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