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chapter eighteenand I'm so sick of them coming at me again

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chapter eighteen
and I'm so sick of them
coming at me again

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ALYSSA SAT AT her lunch table with Yasmine and Moon, absentmindedly eating a carrot with her chin in the palm of her head as she listened to Moon talk. The Miaygi-Do's all had their own table in the lunch room, and Alyssa would sit with them most of the time so she could stick with Demetri — who she had also gotten way closer to lately. However, on the days she didn't sit with them, she would sit with Sam, who had gone back to her old table of sitting with Yasmine and Moon.

Obviously, Alyssa adored Moon. As for Yasmine, well . . . she didn't necessarily like her, but she could tolerate her. Yasmine seemed to have toned down a little bit after returning from her summer trip, but she could still be a bitch.

"Hey!" Demetri's voice called, and Alyssa turned away from laughing with Moon to see him walking up to their table carrying something large covered by a sheet. "You ready to rock . . . our Earth science presentation?"

Oh. That. By some way of the fates, Demetri and Yasmine had ended up being science partners. Alyssa watched in amusement as Demetri put down the thing he was carrying on the table and sitting in the free seat next to Alyssa.

"I'm ready to go back to a world where we don't have to talk to each other on a regular basis," Yasmine replied.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Demetri protested. "My popularity's on the rise, while yours is steadily declining. But, uh, maybe we can meet in the middle, like a sexual Venn diagram."

Alyssa rolled her eyes, letting out a small laugh. "You're ridiculous."

Demetri then placed a hand on top of her head and shook it a little bit. "Hey, Ally."

She gently swatted his hand away, giving him a small smile. "Hi, Dem."

"So what's under the sheet?" Moon asked.

Demetri pointed at her. "I'm glad you asked." He stood up and ripped the sheet off of the top, revealing a very impressive science project built out of Legos. "Behold . . . what scientists believe to be the Valley when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Go ahead, press the hadrosaur egg."

Yasmine reached forwards and pressed the egg. Bird sounds started to screech and the volcano roared, spewing smoke out of the top. Alyssa's mouth fell open in shock and she looked at Demetri in impressment. Sure, she had seen him built countless Lego sets, but this was incredible.

𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘  ―  e. moskowitz / hawk [ COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON SIX PART TWO ]Where stories live. Discover now