Chapter 4- The Walk To survival

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The Walk to survival began. We headed back onto the main road and carried on making our way towards Busan. I was walking and then Han came up next to me.
"How is my chipmunk buddy doing." He said smiling.
"Alright I guess just a bit overwhelmed." I said.
"I get what you mean." He said while putting his hand on my shoulder. Han was they only like other boy I spoke to other than Jeongin our Dads are best friends so that's why. I looked over to Yuha and Felix holding hands I smiled.
"They are adorable together." I said.
"I have to agree." Said Han. We talked some more and he was telling me jokes to light up the mood he really is a good friend. We all carried on walking straight for what it felt like hours. I looked over to my left and saw zombies in the woods. Next thing we know because one of us was coughing they came charging at us about 10.
"Guys we need to run." I said and we all began to run backwards while shooting at them. Suddenly Han fell over and they all went towards him. Out of no where it fell on top of him I ran and shot an arrow through its head causing it to fall to the floor and luckily it was the last one. Everyone else came running towards Han.
"Are you okay?" Felix said holding his hand.
"Yeah I'm okay I think." He replied as Seungmin and Felix helped him up. I went up to him.
"Are you sure your okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah just abit shocked I think." I nodded understanding. We all carried on our tracks hoping not to have another encounter with a group of zombies. I just want to be at home all warm and snuggly in my bed but that can't happen. As we was walking I noticed this girl she was from another school she has green uniform on and she had a bandage around her eye. I decided to go towards her.
"Where are you going?" Questioned Jeongin.
"Oh to that girl over there to see if she is okay." I replied as I carried on walking towards her when I finally got to where she was.
"Hello excuse me My name is Seonyu are you okay?" I questioned.
"Oh hi I'm Namra yeah I'm okay just lost also you shouldn't be near me I dangerous." She replied with.
"Hi Namra and why are you dangerous you don't look like a zombie?" I said.
"Well I'm a Hambie which is a cross between a human and a zombie so yes I can turn but I haven't learnt how to control it yet I also have super hearing like the zombies." She answered.
"Ahh okay sorry for all the questions but how do you become a Hambie?" I questioned.
"Well it's either from a scratch or if you get their blood in your mouth, you will be a zombie at first but then you end up becoming human again and I guess I will learn to control it." She said. I nodded should I invite her to our group.
"Do you want to join our group we are going to Busan." I said.
"I can't because I'm half zombie they will not accept me." She replied I nodded and then waved her goodbye and wished her good luck.
I ran towards the group who was a little ahead.
"Was she okay?" Yuha questioned.
"Yeah she said she is a Hambie which is a zombie and a human but she has to stay here she can't go to Busan cause they won't accept her." I replied and they nodded. We carried on the path for a while until we got to a city again we had to be prepared there could be many zombies here.
"Guns and bows and arrows at the ready everyone we need to be careful." Said Bangchan. We all nodded as we carried on into the city.
"Maybe we could look for something to drink." Said Hyunjin.
"Yeah let's look for a shop or something to see if they have any water." Said Mia. We all looked around in search for a shop.
"I found one." Said Jeongin. All of us went towards him as changbin opened the door slowly making shore no zombies where there.
"The coast is clear." He said and we all entered putting as much stuff as we could in our bags and then we went out.
"What did you all get?" I questioned.
"Snacks and water." Said Jae.
"Same." Everyone said in unison and we all laughed.

Yuha POV

We had made it to a city and we had gotten food and drinks so we all decided to go into an alleyway and have a little picnic. We sat down I was sat in-between Mia and Seonyu.
"I'm glad we can relax for a bit." Said Han as he sat down next to Seungmin and Jae.
"Same I have gotten a lot closer to people I never thought I would." Said Jeongin smiling. I have to agree with him we have made friends during this journey but it's still not over yet. After a while we was all energised again and ready to make it the rest of the way. We made our way through the city avoiding the zombies by creeping around them trying not to make a sound we had to shout some that where coming towards us because they where you know hungry for brains.
"I think we should maybe hurry up a bit we seem to be coming across quite a lot of them." Said Minho. We all agreed and then picked up the pace so we could get back to the main road so we could see the zombies more easily.
"This is the last time we will be in another city until Busan we have 100 miles left we
will reach there in 2 days."Said Bangchan. We made it back to the main road and we was on the last stretch yes it may be for two days but I believe we can do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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