Yandere Ex Artist

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(Warning: contains cheating mention but I am NOT an NRT writer it's not gonna be that bad. I guess it's a trigger warning for people who like yandere stuff.)

It's been 2 years since I broke up with Brook. I hadn't thought about her in years, it was odd that I suddenly felt the urge to look up her art.

It was a lazy sunday afternoon. No dates planned for tonight, one often wonders "what could've been" during times like these. I looked her name up and turns out she has been doing some odd things all this time.

Brook as always been a brilliant artist much smarter than anyone around her. Her passion has always been to find the beauty in things. Honestly it was bit too much optimism from her.

You see a piece of poop on the street and she'd say "If you look at it from the right angle you would see how interesting it really is!" she was eccentric.

I opened up a folder with a picture of us on a trip to France. Honestly I can't believe how much she was earning for an artist. She was gorgeous and she smiled wide with eyes filled with hope and brown hair which almost always well kept. She was the ideal artist happy successful and quirky.

And then her parents died.

Normally most people react to grief differently. I was there for her but she... She didn't look at her parents death as a tragedy, she look at it as an opportunity to learn about grief and create an artwork the explores grief.

I look up tickets to see if she's made any recent paintings and turns out she not only she painted something she also mailed me the tickets. A painting named "Loss of Love" I wonder if it's gonna be about her parents. She never did make anything exploring grief.

I purchased the ticket and started dressing up. The showing of the artwork was within 2 hours. I gotta take a bus there.

An hour later I was ready to leave, I checked my wallet and keys, then I set off.

When she was trying to come up with something to explore grief, she would always stare at the blank canvas. During uninspired times I often had the role of cheerleader, bringing her food, trying to get her in a better mood, flirting and kissing. Honestly back then I used to almost doubt her artblock was just an excuse to make out and have sex.

I climbed into the bus that'll take me downtown and maybe it'll be easier just to get a taxi from there. The woman next to me is kinda hot but honestly she doesn't seem like she's in a mood to speak. I look back out of the window and start thinking back.

Back to when it started to slip away.

I caught her cheating. I didn't know what I had done wrong. I wanted to lash out I really did, but... I had never seen her so... empty? It felt like she was looking for punishment.

I didn't say anything to her and just started to pack my bags. Me starting to pack my bags seem to trigger her in someway. She didn't stop me, she didn't move at all she just sat there with the same blank expression she gave to an empty canvas.

I remember asking her desperately

"Why did you do this?"

All she said was "I wanted to see what it felt like to lose someone I loved."She stopped talking after that.

I was stupid I shouldn't have left, I think about that time alot. Thinking about if that was a good decision. I was heartbroken and there was no bringing her back.

I got off the bus and hailed a taxi. Surprisingly the taxi driver was woman... a pretty one too. Damn am I back at France or something?

"Rapture Academic Art Gallery."

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