Part 9

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Later junoan ella wer sitting on the couch donwnstars. Ella was riting on her ipsd while juno was waching calvin and hobs. It was peascful. Butsuddenly junos sto,macj growled. Mmmm.. Juno wasts wrong ella easked. Mm nngggg.. PRRRPTPARRARPPPPPP Juno pooped alota poop. Alot alot of poop. Sp much poop that the buglr was thec size of a basklwball. EWWWWWWW JUNO ELla yelled. Ah..  juno sat down. JUNO OH MG GOD TGAT SMERLS SO BAD. Good.. oh. Juno relaized that her poop was realy squishy an actsullt feeled good. Oh. Hehehe. Juno mushed her messs arond movin her butt. AUNTTTIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ella yelked. What is it junos mom said cuming in to the room. Oh. Oh jeez. Juno. juno stopped mushing hm? Hehe you like youre poop now? Uhhhhhh juno blushd. Heh. AUNTIE JUST CHANGE HER. OK OK I will.

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