The Beginning

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<Picture of Bloom Ackerman>

Bloom Ackerman is a 21-year-old woman who had dropped out of college to go back home and protect everyone at the college from her. She found out that she had powers during one of her science classes at her college and ever since then, they have been haywire every so often. Bloom is able to control and manipulate fire. Every power that has to deal with heat and fire, she has.

You must be connecting the dots with Bloom and her powers from the Winx Club series. Well, Bloom's mother was obsessed with that show so much, that she named her only daughter after her favorite character. Did Bloom's mother know that her daughter Bloom would be exactly like Bloom from Win Club? No, she had no clue. She would never know. But, the only thing that Bloom doesn't have that the cartoon character has is wings, BUT, she can use her fire to lift herself off of the ground. Well, soon, she will figure that out.

Bloom is currently sitting in her room, flipping through pages of a fantasy book. She has read this book multiple times and she is trying to a certain part of the book. The part where the main character is learning how to control her powers. Something Bloom wishes she can do. She has tried multiple times a day, every day, ever since she came back home from college and that has been a year now. She has been trying to figure out how she can control her powers.

The same powers she can't tell everyone because people will either think she is crazy and hallucinating or they will call someone and she will be picked and prodded. She will be a test subject. A lab rat. She doesn't want either of them, especially the test subject. She doesn't want to be treated like an object, more than she has been since freshman year of high school, and plus, she doesn't like needles.

She got to the part and read through it for the millionth time. She had a couple of cups of water on her nightstand just in case. She looked up and put her focus on the candle that is sitting on her nightstand. She imagined the candle in her head and a flame slowly appearing where the wick is. But, that didn't happen in reality. She sighed and then tried again. And again...again... and eventually she sighed with frustration and closed the book in her lap. She threw the book on her bed and stared at the candle. Tried one more time but to her avail, nothing.

She groaned in frustration and threw herself back on her bed. She covered her face with her hands for a couple of seconds before dragging them down and putting her hands on her stomach. Then she heard a whoosh-like noise. She sat up and looked at the candle. The candle was lit. She smiled. She fist-pumped the air and went back to laying on her bed.

A pair of footsteps came walking toward her door and she knew. She could hear them. She knew who it was just by how many seconds of silence between each footstep. It was her father. Someone she doesn't like seeing every day. He had always verbally abused her from when she started 1st grade up to now. She is basically done with her father. If he would have died tomorrow, she wouldn't really care. She would go on with her day like it was any other day.

Her father stopped at her door and knocked on it a couple of times. He waited a couple of seconds before knocking again, not giving her enough time to walk up to her door and open it. So, instead, she called out with, "Yes?"

"Your mother and I would like to talk to you."

Bloom rolled her eyes before standing up from her bed, pressing her index and thumb against the flame of the candle, while walking up to her bedroom door. Before she even found out she had these powers, she would never be burned or even cold. Fire and heat don't bother her. During the winter, she is her own heater. She doesn't need a whole bunch of layers to bundle up and be warm. She was able to wear a hoodie or sweatshirt during the winter like it was nothing. It felt like Spring for her.

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