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The angst begins

Dream sat on the front , frowning... his mind is going places he doesn't trust or want to trust.
"Nono- he loves me." He weakly smiled.. trying to convince himself.
"Stop- thinking these thoughts."

He soon sighed, shaking his head..

"But.. Does he love me..? Or does he love blob me..?"  Dream teared up faintly, sighing.. why.
"He never calls me cute or anything like that.. he's only happy when I'm a blob." He kicked a branch near by out of frustration.
"And when anything happens and I'm a blob- he gets happy..."

He knew that George only loved him because he becomes a blob... I mean.. who wouldn't..? He's literally a marshmallow..

He continued to sulk to himself- until he heard the door open... hearing a few footsteps.

"You alright dream..?" Sapnap walked out, closing the door behind him.
"You kinda just.. ran out and have been standing out here..?" He frowned, having a worried look.

"I don't know." Dreams head dropped in his hands.
"I'm just over thinking, it's fine." He weakly smiled, looking over at his friend.

Sapnap furrowed his brows, sitting next to dream... he could tell Dream was upset.
"What's wrong..?" He patted the blondes back.

"I don't think George likes- me.. but more of the blob side of me is what he likes.." Dream shook his head, frowning.
"It's... upsetting me thinking about it." He mumbled, shaking his head.

Sapnaps gaze softened.
"No.. he does love you-" he mumbled quietly.
"You know that."

"I DONT! I don't know if he does!" Dream gripped his head, snapping to himself.
"He's probably only thinks I'm cool because I'm a dumb idiot that turns into a fucking blob every time I feel any emotion!!" He felt upset.. cause that's how it felt... that George only care for him as a blob.

Sapnap shook his head.
"No.. George does like you dream- don't go dragging his name down because you think he doesn't.." he spoke softly, nudging him.
"He does love you dream- your just over reacting.."

"I think I'd prefer my life when I was alone again." Dream stared at the ground, shaking his head.... He preferred not being forced into a blob every second.
"It's easier on me not becoming a blob if you guys just... go." He couldn't take it.

"Well- it might take some time for me to go since I don't really have a place too stay.." Sapnap frowned, shaking his head.
"But What about George..? How do you think he will take this???" He looked up.
"I don't think he can do online.."

"I'll just say I want to break up.." Dream felt tears form more in his eyes.
"And That's that..." he mumbled, shaking his head.

Sapnap looked shocked- what!?
"Wait! But that will hurt him! It will make him think it's his fault..." his gaze softened.
"You two are close aren't you..? Why are you wanting to break up with him?!"

"Online we are close - but it was a mistake for you all too come here." Dream huffed, shaking his head.
"I learned that when I got George hurt." He stared down.
"And the many times nearly dying as a blob."

"But George is still healing.. he can't travel." Sapnap thought Dream just needed time to think about this.
"I don't understand- well I understand the wanting us too leave- but don't you and George love each other."

"I love George- but George loves blob me." Dream stood up, staring down with a emotionless look.
"I'm just gonna get this over with.." he walked inside.

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