Undestined Mates

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Ramona didn't want to reject him, she was forced to. As an Alphas daughter it was her duty to mate with a strong alpha to produce powerful heirs, her love life was never her own. She had just turned eighteen the night before and after finding her mate to be, a lowly omega, her father forced the two to reject each other. 

Ramona wouldn't have been so crushed if it hadn't been the one wolf she had been good friends with since they were young, her best friend she supposed. She'd always had a feeling that there was something more pulling them together, a deeper connection that in her young age she didn't fully understand, but that night and in that moment, as she felt the sparks run up her arm while they twirled around dancing in celebration did she know that it was him all along. 

Sadly, she'd only experienced the effects a mate bond provided for only a few moments before her father caught on and made her reject him. She could still feel the bitter taste in her mouth from the words she'd spoken to her now rejected mate. She hated herself for it, but even more than herself she resented her father for his blind decision.  

So she lay on her bed, curled onto her side with a pillow clutched against her stomach, her only sense of comfort as she cried herself dry of tears. That's how she's been since that night, that horrible night.  After everyone had left her home, Ramona's father had called her to his office to inform her that he had arranged for her to be sold to another pack, to have a mateship with the Alpha's son and for that, she absolutely hated him. It didn't matter the tears she cried, or how she argued bitterly against her fathers wishes. He only wanted one thing: Power. Not for his own daughters happiness. 

A soft knock at Ramonas door caused her to perk her head up from her luxurious bed only to stuff her head back into her blankets. "Go away.." She mumbled just loud enough for the person behind the door to hear, but they paid no mind to her request. Instead her door opened and her mothers gentle voice grazed through the air like a gentle wind. 

"Come now darling, it isn't all bad." her mother's heels tapped against the hard floor as she made her way towards the curtains, throwing them open to allow the light to trespass into the dark room. Ramona groaned in protest, stuffing the pillow into her face to stop the light from shining down on her. The bed sunk as Ramonas mother sat down on the bed beside her. She reached for the pillow pulling it away from Ramonas face.  "I know dear, the first heartbreak is always the worst."  She put a hand on Ramonas head, smoothing her hair down in an attempt to comfort her, Ramona rejected her actions pushing her mothers hand away from her.

Ramona pushed herself up infuriated looking at her mother as if she had just slapped her in the face. Out of all people Ramona had thought that at least her mother would have been appalled by the fact that she was forced to reject her only mate. it wasn't a first heartbreak to Ramona, no, it was an unruly fate destined to her by the ones who were supposed to love her the most. "First heartbreak?! Mother, he was my mate!" Ramonas mother smiled down at her, not at all bothered by her daughters discomfort instead she seemed prepared for it. 

"Don't be so headstrong Ramona. Everything will turn out to be alright, you'll see." Ramona looked back at her mother with disgust, nothing would be alright if she was dammed to live a life without the affections she had so desired from the matebond she'd dreamed about since she was just a pup. How could her mother side with her father, she knew that Ramona had always looked forward to having a true love. And now she felt as if that was just taken from her with one dire choice, a snap of her fathers fingers. And now, here was her mother trying to convince her that that the arranged mate ship was a good thing. She even smiled at her pain. But despite her own obvious emotions her mother again took Ramonas expressions lightly. Still providing a smile and patting the spot beside her telling Ramona to come sit with her. 

Ramona was never the kind of child to disobey her parents so she listened when her mother told her to come, but she did it with attitude, crossing her arms and flopping down beside her causing the bed to slightly shake. Her mother laughed quietly to herself at Ramonas tiny try at a rebellion act. She looked down at her daughter who had her head down looking to the floor, her mother sighed seeing that Ramona felt heavily about the situation. "You know," She reached out to Ramonas face turning it calmly to look at her. "When I was your age, I had to leave my mate for your father." 

Ramona looked at her mother in curiosity, until now she had thought that her parents had always been mates, destined to each other by the goddesses. Like she was taught by her mentor. She'd always been told that a mate was a once in a lifetime thing and there could only be one for every wolf born, that it made no matter the statuses one wolf carried, only what the goddesses thought each one could do for one another. It was a big disgrace to ever defy the wishes of the goddesses. Or so she was taught, but apparently none of that mattered. She was taught a lie.

"But.. You and Father are so happy.." Ramona shook her head in disbelief. She refused to believe that her Parents weren't destined to each other.  "Theres no way you two aren't mates." 

Ramona's mother tilted her head, she was always so graceful when she did anything. Ramona always admired that and aspired to be just as graceful and beautiful as her mother was. It was one of the things that made her mother such a strong Luna to their pack, always being as kind and generous with every wolf she came across. She could always calm the fire inside her fathers core with only a glance.

That wasn't much to say for her father, they were exact opposites. He was a strong and bruiting wolf, asserting his dominance on his 'subjects' or so he called them, there wasn't one wolf in the whole pack that met the same size or strength that her father did. That would explain why no one ever challenged him for his title, or started a war with the pack. Despite all of that and how she felt about the night before, she loved her parents equally. They had some of the best chemistry Ramona had ever seen. Which is why she couldn't believe her mother when she said they weren't mated to one another. 

"Oh yes my darling, we are very much happy and in love." Ramona watched her mothers kind eyes as they met her own. She never imagined that two wolves who weren't destined to mate by the goddesses would be able to find such emotions for each other such as love and happiness. "Although I wasn't very heartfelt to leave my true mate at first either, I realized my duties as an alphas daughter. I fell for your father the more I got to know who he was." Ramona seemed to think this over, she wondered if she was telling the truth instead of plying to get Ramona on board with the arranged mateship. But then again, her mother had never told her a lie before. Ramona decided that it could be possible that her mother was once in the same situation as she was now, but she couldn't help to wonder one thing.

"Why did you have to leave your mate, mother? Was he also an omega?" 

Her mother politely laughed at Ramonas curious question, covering her mouth just slightly as she did. "Something of the sort, love, but mostly because my fathers pack was poor. He'd thought selling me to your father would help both packs grow stronger."  

Ramona was beginning to lose her sense of doubt and hurt, she figured that if her mother had found love in an undestined mate, then so could she. She could fall for this wolf she's never even met before if her mother said it was possible. She would help the two packs grow stronger just as her mother helped their pack, and her grandfathers. 

Her mother reached out cupping Ramonas cheek in her hand and offering a comforting squeeze. Ramona leaned into her mothers touch, intently watching her. "It isn't easy being born into a powerful bloodline, everything always comes down to the politics." Her mother smiled down on her, giving Ramona a savoury feeling warming her heart and mind, but still speaking in a stricter tone. "But as an Alphas daughter it is your duty, my love."

Ramona smiled sweetly back at her mother feeling a bit more confident than before. She would accept her duties as an Alphas daughter and do her best to find love and happiness in her arranged mateship. To Ramona, making her mother proud meant the world to her. She would do the best she could. It was her duty, after all. 

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