V0 CH1: His Ambition

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Third Person POV

Ayanokouji Atsuomi.

A well-respected and feared man by most of Japan's politicians or those with higher standings in society, and someone who belongs to the infamous Naoe Faction.

Atsuomi was born as an average person, someone who does not have talent since birth. But he has one thing that differentiates him from others, an uncontrollable and immense "ambition."

Living his life in the bottom of society Atsuomi knows full well how disgusting society truly is, a place that is corrupt down to its very core. The strong preyed upon the weak, discrimination, and unemployment.

Seeing his home country like this, Atsuomi despised it very much, that his ambition that had been buried deep inside him, finally surfaced. A desire to rise up in the ranks of society, with the power to do anything that he simply wished.

He wanted a country where there is no weak, only the strong. Japanese youths with talents that would categorize them into geniuses; and an immensely capable person that would lead them all. He wanted a country with no flaws, a Perfect Japan.

Fueled with his ambition, Atsuomi started rising in the ranks of society. It did not matter what methods he used, his charisma or manipulation, he used them on everyone for the sake of his own goal. His ever-expanding ambition caught someone's interest, a person that sits on the highest of Japanese society.

Ninosuke Naoe, the head of the infamous Naoe faction.

Naoe saw the piece that he was missing, and by obtaining the said piece the Naoe faction can finally obtain what they desire the most. He gave an offer to Atsuomi, and without hesitation he accepted his offer.

Both of them knew that their partnership wasn't for the greater good, both of them have ulterior motives in each other, but that did not matter to them, because what they both desire will be obtained in the end.

Atsuomi did all the work that the Naoe faction dumped onto him excellently, whether it was dirty work or not. Soon he started rising in the ranks of society, entering politics and becoming a person that is respected and feared.

The Naoe faction was satisfied by his hard work, especially the head Ninosuke Naoe. So he decided to reward all the hard work that he had done, offering him a project that would benefit the faction a ton, and unknowingly Atsuomi also in the process.

Seeing the fruit of his hard work, Atsuomi's ambition will finally be established, and this project is going to be the main foundation. 'Talented Persons Nurturing Program' was the goal of the project, and so he dedicated himself to the whole project and made it go a step further.

The institution was established and he named it, the White Room.

An institution that would give birth to people with immense talent, whether they are born as geniuses or not. It would be one of the key sources to creating the perfect japan that Atsuomi desired. He decided to create another project as well, albeit quite similar to the White Room.

The creation of a genius of all geniuses, with immense talent in all aspects whether its strength, intellect, or adaptability, it will have it all. It was the nurturing, or better call it "dissection" of his own biological son, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.


"Are you done finding the suitable subjects for the next generations?"

"Yes Professor, we have already secured most of the children that would be suitable for the second and third generation, although the fourth generation is somewhat lacking we have files for children that would be suitable for it, here they are sir."

A staff member of the White Room hands over a handful of files to Atsuomi in a respectable manner, after all he does not want his death to be so early, he already regretted signing up the contract but alas it's too late.

"That is acceptable, you may leave."

"Yes, Professor."

While the staff member is leaving the room, Atsuomi is scrolling through the files. Countless children were in each of these files, with their personal life, talents, and many others worth mentioning are written in the files. Continuing his search through the files and not seeing anything worthy of his attention, but upon reaching the last file piqued his interest.

[File ID: 71942813]

[Name: Karuizawa Kei]

[Age: 4]

[Appearance: Gold Gradient Hair, Violet Gradient Eyes]

[Current School Grade: Kindergarten]

[Notes from staff: She has keen observation ability, possibly on par with Subject 4-001. She has been receiving bullying from most of her schoolmates due to her cute appearance but refuses to report them to the school and her parents, she continued to endure the bullying while wearing an excellent mask to not arouse suspicion from her parents. She has a mental strength worthy of praise, an excellent subject for the upcoming fourth generation.]

Reading through the file, Atsuomi was satisfied, the girl would be an excellent subject for the fourth generation that he would lead. Her mental strength would be useful for the intense training that they will be going through. Atsuomi grabbed his phone from his pocket and called someone.

*Ring* *Ring*

"Hello, Professor Ayanokouji. How may I help you today?"

"Check ID 71942813."

Hearing the command of Atsuomi, keyboard clicks could be heard through the call and after a moment he answered.

"Yes Professor, she is a daughter of an average couple. The father has an annual income of 60,000 yen. They have just arrived from Hokkaido and are currently living in Kyoto, they have a debt because of her grandparents, what's your order Professor?"

"Satisfactory enough, increase their debt and make them suffer for two years."

"Your order shall be immediately imposed, Professor."

Atsuomi ends the call and stands up from his seat while still holding on to the file. He decided to put more pressure on the child, it would be a test for her mental strength. If she can continue to endure from the suffering that would soon befall onto her family for two years, she would be worthy of nurturing. Looking at the file one last time and leaving it on the table in his office, he muttered.

"Show me that you truly are worthy of my attention, girl."

Atsuomi, who had expectations on the girl, unknowingly turned the gears of fate of himself, the Naoe faction, and Japan as a whole. And most notably, the fate of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

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