Does He Love Me?

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Chappie One

I walk to my locker as I do ever day. My bully (Josh Milard) pushes me on the lockers and sets his hands on my shoulders. I start to shake.

"Are you afraid you little slut?!" He whispers in my ear. I try to get out of his hold but I can't budge. "No." I yell "Get the hell off of me!" I finally get the strength. Josh looks over to see Jayy and lets go "You got away with it this time." He walks over to Jayy. I force smile so Jayy doesn't know. "Hey Babe!" Jayy says hugging me. "Do you wanna come over tonight?" He says winking at me "Uhh, Yeah." I reply "I have a surprise for you." He smirks his cute smirk. That smirk always has me love drunk. The bell rings. "Love you, I'll catch you later!" Jayy says, he kisses me and walks away. "Okay" I say silently to myself. I can't wait until tonight. I think to myself while walking to biology.

(Sorry it's short! I was in a rush. Comment and Vote :33 ~iluvurb) *Hope you like it so far*

Chappie Two

The last bell rings and I rush out of the classroom and to my locker. I felt the breeze of a crowd of people walking past and I felt someone grab my hips and pull me close. "Hey Babe." Jayy whispers in my ear.  "Hi." "You ready to go?" Jayy asks grabing my bag and slinging it over his sholder. "Yep, Thanks for holding that baby, Its really heavy." I say to him. We walk outside to his silver car. I get in the passenger seat and he sits in the driver seat. He starts the car. "Its cold in here." I say while turning up the heat in the car. He reverses out of the parking space and starts to drive up the road. We drive into his drive way. I get out of the car and walk towards the door. "Mum, Im home, I have Sammi here!" Jayy yells up the stairs. Jayys mum, Jackie, Runs down the stairs. "Hi Hon, How have you been?!" She says running to me for a hug. "Ive been fine,and you?" I reply. Jayys mum is a lesbian and Jayy was adopted. Jackie has loved me since Jayy and I have started dating. "Oh, Jayy did you give it to her yet?" Jackie says to Jayy. "No, Not yet." He says to him mum. "Hurry, I want to see her reaction." This gave me a bad feeling. What could possibly be something that would give me a reaction. "Okay, Im going to get it out of my room, Ill be back." Jayy runs up the stairs. "Youre gonna love it!" Jackie says to me with a huge grin. Jayy runs down back down the stairs with a small box. "Sit down babe" I sit. Looking up at him while he has a big grin and Jackie is staring at me almost about to shead a tear. "Is he about to propose to me?" I think to myself. He opens a small box to reveal a small necklace with our aniversery day and an infinity sign carved in the necklace. I start to cry happy tears and we kiss for about four minutes until Jackie say "Get a room guys, come on!" We both laugh and go to the dinner table where there are candles set up just for Jayy and I.  "I love you guys, Enjoy yourselfs." Jackie say walking out of the room singing "Sammi and Jayy sitting in a tree K,I,S,S,I,N,G." and that makes us laugh. I have a feeling this is gonna be a great night <3 :).

(Sorry it's a bit short. Dont forget to vote and comment :P ~iluvurb)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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