1- The beginning

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Abandonment, slurs

This story begins with a basket, a car and two broke parents.

"Are we really sure this is what we should do..?" She asked, holding a small basket on her lap while her husband was driving the car, "We have no other choice. You don't want to seperate them, and I don't want these ret*rded kids." He answered her. She looked away saddened by his response.

"Where are we even taking them?" She opened the basket to a pair of twins, she smiled at them and gently pet their heads as they slept, "We'll see. Say stop if you see a nice place." He answered.

They drove for another hour before she finally said the word, "Wait, stop!"

"Fucking finally woman." He rolled his eyes as he parked the car nearby, "Put that damn basket in front of the door and hurry back."

She frowned but did as she was told, she got out the car, holding the basket with the twins to her chest.

The house looked cozy but big enough to hold a family, it was brightly coloured and right on the edge of Miami Beach Florida.

She walked up to the house, gently placing the basket right in front of the front door. She looked down at her beautiful children, she kissed their heads and softly whispered to them, "I know you'll grow to be successful and loved. I'm sorry to have to leave you here my loves.." She shed a tear.

Once she finished saying goodbye she looked around her to make sure her husband wasn't watching, she grabbed a note from her pocket and tucked it into the basket.

She placed a hand on the front door, not quite knocking yet, she whispered once more, "Take care of my boy and girl, whoever you are" she knocked the door, quickly running back to the car before it got answered.

"About time. Let's go ho-" he was about to say, but she interrupted him, "No, wait a moment. They can't see us from here. I want to see what they look like, and if they even open the door." She said with a stern voice. He sighed but agreed with her.

The door opened, a small darker skinned woman had opened the door, she had black shoulder length hair and had lighter patches of skin on her face. Her face enriched with freckles.

She looked around confused, not seeing anyone. She was about to close the door again when she saw the basket. She looked down at it and bent down to look at it, "oh my.. VIVI" she yelled.

Another woman came running to the door now, she had dark skin, long dark brown hair and beautiful green eyes, she was also noticeably taller than the other woman.

"There's a basket with.. Babies.. inside" the shorter one said with a confused and worried tone. "What are you saying?" The taller woman now answering, she had a thick Spanish accent as she spoke. She looked down at the basket with a shocked expression on her face, "Jesus... Who would do that. Is there a note or something?" She asked.

The shorter woman started looking through the basket.

After a little bit of searching she came across a note, she stood up again to read it.

Who would leave their kids on someone's door step.

//HIIIII this was the first chapter. The next part will just be what the note reads! After that will be the official second chapter :3\\

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