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Wazzup, Halloween Eve Eve peeps.
I just watched Hocus Pocus 2.
Slowly drowning, but trying my best to update sooner than once a month.
Love/hate relationship with the chapter.



Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

-Carl Bard-


"Come again?"

"Colton has a-"

Glen shook his head, interrupting Francis. "No, I know what you said. I just... what?"

His hands laced together atop of his head as he could feel his heart beating overtime. The sound clogged up to his ears and blocked out his surroundings. He knew this was an impending sign of a panic attack, and needed to abort before it was full blown.

Snap out of it.

But the boy was simply not able to wrap his head around this new piece of information. Something so trivial but yet, a trigger nonetheless. Therefore, he could not focus his mind enough to catch a breath. It was a dangerous whirl pool he couldn't break free from.

"I know, right?" Francis wouldn't believe the news himself if he didn't have his version of proof.

Glen began pacing in a circle, pulling on the collar of his uniform shirt as he tried to calm himself. At first, neither sibling noticed the tic, oblivious to their brother struggling, as he was an anxious pacer so it wasn't unusual for him.

Hayes was too busy looking absolutely gobsmacked at Francis' announcement.

But unlike her brother, the instinct to push the knowledge to the deep corners of her brain was activated, as her subconscious knew she was not capable of maturely handling this blindsiding.

So as the shock slowly disappeared from her face, the girl became predictably preoccupied by the wind blowing hard around them, making their uniforms compress against their bodies. Chills encompassed her, making her shiver with goosebumps, so Hayes then hurried to put her brother's sweatshirt over the one she was already wearing. Another layer wouldn't hurt.

The only problem was, the sweatshirt was too too large so she got lost underneath all the fabric. Hayes heard Francis chuckling at her mishap before he decided to help her out, giving the bottom part of the sweatshirt a hard tug downward.

When the little girl's head was finally free, she had transformed into the scary hair monster. Hayes grinned in thanks as her fingers brushed the wild strands of hair out of her face. She reached behind her head and slid the ponytail holder out to redo her messy ponytail.

Amused by their sister's antics, Francis glanced in Glen's direction, wondering why Smiley didn't find it as funny as he did. But any lingering laughter on his face quickly morphed into worry.

That's when he realized, Glen was in trouble.

"Glen, you alright my dude?"

Hayes lowered her chin from where she was facing up at the sky, the concern in her brother's voice putting her on alert. Her long hair blew freely behind her as the strands slipped through her fingers. She didn't seem to notice, her attention now solely locked on her brother, Glen, taking in his panicked expression. He wasn't in good shape, bent over with his hands resting on his knees as he was trying to get air into his lungs.

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