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The sun on the planet had just risen, the time was around six in the morning earth time, and Shiro had just woken up. He quietly made his way to the kitchen where he usually would meet Hunk making breakfast, but this morning something was off. As Shiro was on his way to the kitchen he was met by shouts and yells, all the way from the hallway where he was walking. 

He immediately thought an intruder had entered the castle, carefully speeding up his pace but as he got into the kitchen, he was instead met by all the paladins fighting with each other. Hunk seeming to be the cause of the fight had Pidge and Lance on top of himself and Keith... 

He was just watching by the sidelines, like always he didn't get involved in fights this pointless.

Shiro sighed in frustration and went over to the trio to end the fight, pulling up Lance and Pidge in each of his arms swiftly off of Hunk. The yellow paladin awkwardly got up and made his way to the table, then Shiro nudged Lance and Pidge along with him so they would go sit down. 

Keith followed Shiro to their side of the table, then as they were all sitting down Shiro finally addressed the situation.

" What the quiznak did I just witness?! " Shiro questioned, patiently waiting for an explanation for their idiotic behavior. " Well... Go on, explain yourself. "

" Apparently my attempt at making breakfast wasn't up to Pidge and Lance's standards... They started complaining and so I kinda...snapped. " Hunk mumbled. Shiro sighed, he could not believe the two paladins had the audacity to complain, and Hunk out of all people to actually fight back for once. 

This wasn't like any of their usual behaviors.

" This is unacceptable, you are paladins of Voltron for goodness sake. You can at least try and act like it! " Shiro snapped. " Start by apologizing, then eat up your breakfast... And I mean all of it because Hunk tried and your guys are not grateful, so the least you can do is eat it up even if it's not 'up to your standards'. "

The last part he said in a more frustrated tone, so the team figured he was very disappointed in them.

" Sorry Hunk, we promise to not complain anymore, it's just the food on this planet tastes pretty weird, but of course, that's not your fault so... We're sorry... " Pidge apologized, slowly taking a new bite of the food. The others proceeded to do the same, all except Keith who just poked at his food in silence but nobody mentioned it because they knew Keith just was like that in the morning.

 When they all were finished, the argument was gone with the food.

" See that wasn't so bad now was it? " Shiro chuckled, standing up to finally get some things done for the day. He left the team and headed to the castle's bridge to check over a few things for the coalition.

" Huh, that's weird... "

Some of the information on the panels did not seem to be correct. Shiro called Pidge to come to double-check the information as well, and she too found it a bit strange.

" Someone must have typed this incorrectly, give me five minutes, I'll fix it easily. " Pidge said, already hovering over the panels to fix it. " There we go, now everything should be as it should! " She said. Shiro checked the information over again and saw that it was back to normal.

" I need to go fix some things with Hunk now but feel free to call me if anything else is wrong! " Pidge smiled, leaving Shiro alone on the bridge. Moments after the green paladin had left, the hailing frequency started glitching and soon Kolivan popped up on the screen.

" Kolivan? Is there something we can help you or the Blades with? " Shiro asked, quite surprised by the sudden call. Kolivan cleared his throat and looked the black paladin in the eyes before speaking.

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