(13) Freed

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(Not Proofread)

"It's getting harder to breathe..."

"Just be calm okay, and stay with me, don't leave me here...please."


Right now, it seemed like they had been there forever.

Yeonjun was struggling to breathe and Jake was about one minute away from a panic attack.

They could hear slight voices in the distance, but they seemed really far away.

"Hello! Can anyone hear us! Please, my friends are hurt!", Jake yelled.

He heard crying.

"Hey, Yeonjun, what's wrong baby?"

"Am i...*cough*...going to die down here?"

"No, no you won't. I promise okay."


Jake heard movement above them. He looked up and saw a shadow above the elevator.

As he was staring, the roof was beginning to get pryed open. He saw light shine through and hands, multiple hands, peeling back the metal.

When it was opened, he saw a few people in top of the elevator with harnesses on. They shined a flashlight down at us.

"Hi there, we're here to get you out of there.", a man said.

From the light shining, I now had a good view of the elevator. Yeonjun was just next to me. In front of him was Heeseung, laying on his back facing away. On the other side of the area was Kai. I saw the shine of metal around them.

The men started climbing down to help us. All I could think about getting them out of here. Saving them. That was my main priority.

Soobin POV

"My babies...my babies...no..."

"They're gonna get them out okay? And they'll come home safely. I know it.", Taehyun said.

I couldn't stop crying. No matter how hard I tried. Jungwon was no better off than me, as he was holding onto Niki and sobbing.

Someone inside confirmed who was in the elevator. Emergency workers were inside, getting then out. We were all standing outside of the building, and a crowd had grown around us.

When someone emerged from the building, our eyes went to the door. They were clearing the way for the workers to come out.

I watched as they came out, pulling a bed behind them. My eyes caught a glimpse of who it was before they were put into the ambulance.

I looked over at the members of Enhypen, who were staring wide-eyed in the direction of the ambulance.

Niki turned around to Jay, and the littles.

"Was that Heeseung hyung?", he asked.

Sunghoon suddenly started crying, making Jay hug him.

I felt Taehyun tug on my arm.

I looked at him, and then to Beomgyu who had grabbed onto me suddenly.

Coming out of the building was another group of workers, pulling a second bed behind them. As they came out I saw one worker toss a piece of metal to the side. I could fully see the face of our maknae as they pushed him into the ambulance.

They closed the doors and the vehicle drove off quickly.

Those of us outside looked around at each other. Where was the other ambulance? We didn't see one around, and it made me scared. Where are Yeonjun and Jake?

I guess Jungwon had the same question as he walked over to me.

"Did we miss them coming out?", he asked.

"No, I didn't see then either."

Panic settled in my chest. It wasn't until Niki yelled, "Look!", that I turned back to the door.

I saw a worker helping someone walk out. And a second worker carrying someone.

They were looking around, and didn't see the ambulance either. There were supposed to be two, where is it?

The second worker put the person he was carrying down.

I looked at the boys around me. Out of instinct, I crossed the police barrier they had set up. I found myself running forward.

I stopped when I got in front of them. Then I saw Yeonjun.

"Junie? What's wrong with him?!", I asked them.

Jake walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"We fell pretty hard. I'm guessing he landed on his back, he was having trouble breathing."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'm good. Have you seen the second ambulance?"

Just as he asked, it pulled up behind us. The workers quickly rushed Yeonjun inside. They asked Jake if he needed to go, to which he replied he would be okay.

As the ambulance sped off, the other guys came running up to us.

Jake was nearly tackled to the grass by the other members. Sunoo jumped on his back, making the older one laugh.

"I'm happy to see you too *cough* guys."

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?", Jay asked.

"Yeah. They're more important. I mean, Heeseung and Kai never even woke up after we fell. Yeonjun did, but he couldn't breathe right."

We were all listening to him recall the events that happened before the elevator collapse. It seemed oddly suspicious that this would happen at that exact moment.

Jungwon now stood in front of Jake.

"Wonie...I'm sorry."

"No need. Just listen to me next time okay? I don't want to lose any of you!", he cried.

Jake hugged him.

We all agreed to head to the hospital and wait for news on the others.

The littles tugged along behind us, one holding hands with Jay and the other with Niki. Jungwon held my hand and Beomgyu was at least six feet away from Taehyun because he rejected his hug.

We called for a driver.

We rode in silence when they arrived. Except for Sunoo of course, who kept telling Jake now much he missed him even though it's been three and a half hours.

Four Men And A Baby (ft. Enhypen)Where stories live. Discover now