Chapter 3

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We walked again like always. While we were walking we found a school. We thought of going inside but we weren't sure if it was filled with zombies but it may had food and we needed food really badly so we went inside. And it was deserted no zombies,noting! I was suspicious but at the same time glad. We went to the lunch rom and we looked everywhere. "Hey!!! Guys food" screamed Mazanga really exited with his mouth full of food. "OMG!!! Mazanga behind you!!" Screamed Amie really worried. There was a zombie the back of the lunch room was filled of zombie students and lunch lady's. A zombie lunch lady bites Mazangas shoulder. "Aaahh FUCK!!!" Screamed Mazanga. "We have to leave now!" I screamed. "We can just leave him here!! Grace!" Screamed Amie angry. "He's going to turn into a zombie and if we take him with us we may all die! We leave him here or we shoot his head and kill him so he won't suffer...I would choose the last one Amie" I said to her with a serious face. "Your right.. Fine kill him but let me do one last thing ok" she said really sad. Amie went to Mazanga and kissed him!!. When she finished kissing him she stood up and told me to kill I did. Everybody was shocked. We took as many food as possible and left the school. We found a house a couple of minutes later. I went to the upstairs room and all I did was cry. I missed Vincent I really loved him. Suddenly I didn't felt sad I felt angry and hatred. So I got up and left the house. I was mad at the zombies at kelvin at everything that happened that day even at myself that u couldn't do anything to save him. So I went outside and walked and killed every zombie that I could see. I got tired and started to think that I was completely crazy so I went back to the house. When I got to the house everybody started to ask me questions like "OMG Grace you're covered in blood! Why?!" "Grace! Did u got hurt are u ok?". I was still mad so I screamed "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I want to be alone" I screamed really angry and went to "my room" and slammed the door.

It's a bit short I know but we'll I'm running out of ideas.the end will come soon :3 so yeah thx for everybody who has been reading this stupid little story that I made up thx!

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