Chapter 8

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Isabella's POV
I just lay there in Nik's arms as he held me. "I'm sorry" I mumbled as I berried my head further into his chest. "Huh? What for love? You did nothing wrong. I was the one who left, I never should have. I should have kept you with me instead of sending you away." He told me stroking my hair. "You won't do it again.... Right?" I asked still unsure. "Never again my love" he said. I smiled at him. He smiled back and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. After we broke apart he gently picked me up and placed me back onto the bed. "Why don't we go out today love, spend the day together?" He asked. I giggled a bit and nodded. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

Jane's POV
I was ecstatic as we stood by the front door. "You look excited darling" Viviana said. "I've not been in the sun for a long time." I told her shyly. "That's nothing to be ashamed of my love. Your a cold one, it's not unexpected." She told me. I shrugged. "I guess" I mumbled. She just kissed the top of my head once more and pulled me into her side. I held my breath as she opened the doors. I heard her chuckle and opened my eyes. I smiled wildly as I looked at my arms. I wasn't sparkling! I looked at Viviana with excitement. "You look like a child on Christmas morning love, it's adorable" she said.

Later that night/ very early the next morning

Viviana's POV
I smiled as I looked at my mate as she was curled up in bed. I had things I needed to talk to my brother about so I left her a note telling her that I would be back soon but I had a few things I needed to do. I placed the note onto the cabinet and walked downstairs. I knocked on Elijah's Office and he opens the door. "Viviana?" He asked. "Elijah we need to talk" I told him in a serious tone. He nodded and shut the door so we couldn't be over heard. "What do you want to talk about?" He asked. "Earlier today, when I was asking you where Fraya was" I told him. He froze slightly knowing what this was about he sighed and nodded telling me to proceed "Don't do that again Elijah. Don't event think about it. There's a reason I hadn't yet mentioned that it's an option yet, despite that I had only just met her. You know that there are so many risks that come with it as well, none of witch i am willing to take." I told him. He nodded. "I'm sorry Vik. I honestly didn't mean to upset you, I ju-." He said. "Just don't, Elijah. Don't get in the way of this. I'm not loosing her. Not now, not ever. I've known her for less than 3 days god dammit! It's it not happening again! I will not let it!" I practically shouted at him rage over taking me. He looked at me concerned but nodded once more. He, and the rest of my siblings, minus Freya, knew how much finding my mate meant to me. They had all seen it on my face from the minute that we had discovered that we had mates. It had drove me to the point of insanity at one point in our lives.

So much so that Nik, with Elijah's help had a witch put me to sleep for about 10 years. I had known that this was the effects of having a werewolf side but my mothers spell hadn't blocked out my wolf as much as it had Nik's and he knew this, and even with the spell now broken he knew just how unhinged about the subject of loosing someone I loved I really was. We where similar in that way, he would do anything for our family and I would go to the ends of the earth for those I loved.

After I had finished practically yelling at him I just clenched my teeth and left his office to go find Nik. He was the only one who would be able to help me calm down right now and I didn't want to wake my mate or worry her. I found him and Isabella sitting in the living room. He saw me as I entered and stood up. He locked eyes with me and nodded. He told Bella that he would be back later but that I needed him right now and she nodded. She knew how I got when I was angry and knew that I didn't want her to tell Jane anything without my permission. Nik kissed Bella's four head and walked after me as I walked outside. As I got outside, I sped to a clearing in the woods and Nik joined me a moment later.

As I stoped in the clearing I just punched a tree leaving a dent in the middle of it. "What's Wrong Vivian" he asked. "It's been three days Nik, less three days even and I've already started to become paranoid!" I told him. "It's not your fault, you've lost so much that it's normal for you to feel overprotective" he said, knowing it wasn't a good idea to approach me yet. "I threatened Elijah, Nik! And I meant every word of it!" I yelled. He just sighed. "Viviana listen to me. I can't do what I did last time. She wouldn't be able to bare it if I did. It's not an option. I know your scared, terrified even but you have to take a chance sometime. She loves you, she will still love you once you've told her how you get. She's your mate she will understand" He told me calmly as he walked over to me placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'll talk to Elijah. He knows you, he will understand. I imagine he already dose." He told me I nodded tears in my eyes. "Just... tell her. Don't leave her to find out herself and I'm always here for you. Your my twin Viviana" he told me. I nodded once more and sped off further into the woods.

Once I had gotten far enough that Nik and my siblings wouldn't be able to hear me I just let it all out, my frustration, my anger, my fear. I just started punching and ripping things apart.

After what felt like hours of just destroying the small patch of the forest I fell to my knees panting. After a few minutes I looked at my watch noticing the time. I sighed, realising that Jane would probably be worried about me by now as I said I would be back soon but had now been out all day.

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