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It was a windy and rainy day at Hallow's Beach, pretty crowded for the most part too. People were walking from all sorts of directions on the boardwalk and I was honestly getting really frustrated with how many "excuse me's and coming through's " I've had to say all night. I was already having a terrible day after my so called "boyfriend" who I thought had loved me broke up with me because he said he couldn't " stand my excessive bursts of energy" and I was also apparently "too much to handle and total mess. "  To top it all off he said I should "run more and eat less." That hurt me more than any argument we've ever had in our two year relationship.

Jonah knew how insecure I was with my body and how I would constantly attempt to suck in my stomach whenever we took photos. Most of the time I would look in the mirror and stare at myself ashamed of what I saw. But Jonah made me feel as though I was beautiful and made me believe that it was all just in my head. He used to say thinks like " you don't have to be insecure, you're absolutely breathtaking" and would moments later steal my breath away with a kiss. My favorite thing he had ever said to me was when I was on the verge of tears " don't suck in your belly, I love your glazed donut."

He always found a way to make me laugh whenever I felt like my life was crumbling. But now he made me feel like crap all over again. I don't understand how someone can make it seem like they genuinely care about you but then destroy you to pieces. It makes me think that maybe he never loved me in the first place. He just wanted someone to mess around with. My best friend Abigail did warn me about him and I did not listen, I guess it is my fault that I got hurt again.

"Ma'am watch where you're going you're about to run into the trash can!" I heard a soft soothing voice close-by, yet it still felt so afar. I thought I might have imagined it. I only then realized that it was not in my head when I came crashing down on the ground and heard eruptions of laughter around me. Great, just what I needed, more negative attention.

" Are you okay ma'am, here let me help you. " The voice of the mysterious man had finally made me come out of my mind bubble and rush back into reality. " I'm fine, and don't call me ma'am I can't look that old." I attempted to get up, grab my phone from the ground but all I was met with was an excruciating pain on my left leg.

" You don't look fine, in fact you look like you're about to cry and you've had a rough day." I finally looked up from the ground to see who I was talking to and was met with the most intense forrest green eyes I have ever seen. They seemed to hold sincerity and innocence and so instead of taking out my anger on the stranger I barely knew I decided to be honest.

" I'm not fine, I'm actually a mess right now and you're right I did in fact have a rough day." I grabbed onto my left leg and winced in pain still sitting on the wooden boardwalk floor. People then resumed walking and going on about their night no longer paying me any attention which was great. "Please let me help you, ma'am." The man held out his hand that looked as if it were as soft as a newborns cheek. I then abided his request and grabbed onto his hand.

I was  weirdly filled with a strange warmth that had filled my arms with chills and climbed it's way down my spine. It excited me for a split moment. " I'm not a ma'am man, my name is Rosalyn." I then let go of his hand and I could have sworn I saw a frown appear on his beautiful godlike sculptured face for a moment. I had finally took a good look at the man standing before my eyes and I could not be more confused. He had loose brown curls that were perfectly swept behind his ears, an obvious sharp jawline that looked like a ninety degree angle,soft full rosy lips, but his clothes looked all worn out and old. He wore a white plain tee that had an obvious stain of what seemed like ketchup in the middle of his shirt and his black jeans had small holes in them and not the good kind. He looked really messy but I found it odd that I did not mind. I just felt a bit sad for some reason. One a positive note he was way taller then me so compared to him I was one of Charlie's Oompa Loompa's. I liked that he was taller.

" Well nice to meet you Rosalyn, I'm Miles." He extended his hand for me to shake and I firmly did so. " By the way Rosalyn is a beautiful name, the first part of your name sounds like how a flower is pronounced in Spanish, Rosa." Miles said with a cheeky grin as I then returned the smile back. " Why thank you and that is in fact how you say Rose in Spanish. " Miles then nods his head and we begin to walk down the Boardwalk as Hallow's Beach comes into view.

There is no one currently in the water due to the weather and of course it being midnight. Miles then quickly snatches my phone from my hand and takes a photo of himself and hands it back. " What is this for Miles?" I asked curiously.

" It's for you to remember me by Rosa." Miles then stood straight with great posture and did an army salute and began to walk away leaving me baffled with a million thoughts racing in my mind. " It's Rosalyn not Rosa, Miles!" I yelled as I stood in place watching his back muscles flex as he continued to walk away. " Whatever you say bonita Rosa, till we meet again." Did he seriously call me  pretty rose in Spanish, if I were a flower I would be a sunflower because they are the most precious but yet ignored in my opinion.

If I were a sunflower in a field of roses, 99.9% of the time my dream guy would probably still pick a rose. Roses are beautiful and basic, everyone wants a rose so in their minds instead of going for a unique sunflower, men all want the same women. I let out a long held sigh. I grabbed my keys out of my yellow sundress, yes it had pockets, and I left the boardwalk heading to my car while Miles was nowhere to be seen which bummed me out a bit. I then clipped up  my messy black curly and opened my car door heading inside.
" Hah bonita Rosa." I mumbled to myself.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now