I heard my phone going and reached for it to turn off my alarm I sat up and and say there for about 10 minutes then I went to Madison's rooms to go wake her up but when I got in there she was already up and almost ready "What time did you even get up?" "5:00" "Five!? Why? Damn someone need's two hours to get ready " the I giggled I little bit "Shut up Zen haha " "Your gay , I'm going get ready bye" then walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and got I the shower dried my hair curled it then put and my makeup using my lucky M•A•C contouring plate then got dress wearing my new shorts with a crop top and big red button shirt tied around my waist then went down stairs to meet Madison my mom was down there making our breakfast we ate then "Honey I found your keys in the couch last night " said my mom I grabed them from her then I put on my doc martens and Madison grabbed her benie I grab my backpack and hand bag then so did Madie then were out the door .
(A/N ) When I said "your gay" I did not mean that to insult anyone (disclaimer ) and I will update very soon 💁💁💁😘✨