Untitled Part 1

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Hello and welcome to what is basically another episode of how many stories can storm start but never finish!? I really wanted to make something with the crob legendaries and this is what I came up! They weren't originally going to be siblings but fire and wind worked so much better as bros that gay dudes who hated yet loved each other in this plot. Also i may be messing up the characters canon pronouns and for that I apologize I've gone to far in this stories plot to change it now!  Now for bits of character lore!

Wind archer (wind/windy)

Pn: he/him 

He basically hates everyone he comes across even his siblings. He especially hates fire spirits because in this lore wind is a nature spirit  and fire  and nature don't really get along. He starts of as the emo kid that people dislike, but have to listen to bc they're the smartest person in the group.

Fire spirit (fire/ fi)

Pn: he/him they/them ( used interchangeably throughout never really stays the same)

Is basically just vampire cookie 2.0 but without the wine addiction. They are actually are the strongest sibling but he just doesn't apply himself enough. Until their siblings are threatened that's when he gets serious and kicks things up a few ( thousand) degrees. He adores wind archer but don't let him hear you say that.

Sea fairy ( sea/ fairy)

Pn: she/her

Most loved of the siblings everyone treats her with kindness and genuinely loves her while the others are just respected for their divinity. She gets a lot of shade from her brows bc of that but they both still love her.


Pn: she/her

Sea fairy's lesbian lover.

Millennial tree ( tree form)

Pn: it/its

The true body of the great tree spirit. It hosts the soul and mind of mellien. It also acts as a hub for all legendaries directly descended from the tree.

Millennial tree ( cookie form)

Pn: he/him

The projection of the tress mind and soul, brought up as a manifestation of pure and raw life. No other living being can rival his power.

A few other small things. 

The legendaries ( all included not just the protags) have a set amount of energy and power they can use before passing out or dying and that energy needs to be replenished by the great tress life. So saplings are all over the world so legends can quickly recharge without having to find the main tree ( yes some of these tree saplings are in water for black pearl. And some are in dragon valley for pitaya)

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